So it is suggested that I never take advise from anybody which I understand but one of three points of advice is when the community people take the business of my social morality lifestyle in terms of abusive practical jokes, so seriously, the need to show a man reaps what he sows is not necessarily appliable in all areas of life, developed into a process where I was a normal person one moment and the next I a character that helped people when they attack me and this is just one point of advice that they speak of – the other will be the civil rights idiots that have taken up a decade of my time to build a public disposition where they got rich whenever I was harmed on account people liked what I did with my own life and on account people didn’t like it, which played into the civil corruption of their populism that makes those stupid rules they gang up on people for on account extremists existed, until we ended up in a Law Court where we found out what the real Law was. Another will be the Celebrity bits we talked about frequently of recent and they were the Midas touch – with publicity for me every day that suggested all I did had to be ignored as reality is that those who attacked me were better off than those who did not. They I suppose are saying that I needed to tidy up but then again if I am as filthy as they are on the inside, I might consider it.

They do claim I am a low life being very disrespectful which is utter nonsense as its largely a matter of the fact I am an Arch Prince and this idea I am meant to get into a fight with people disrupts my personal relationships and any means I may meet with others and talk matters of financial wellbeing, besides which it will never happen. I do get asked why I do not push them into violent things that made me comfortable, but I did not need to, they will always build this up to such an extent they realise certain places are not the right places for show business or sex and those who want to get stuck in will always do. currently they came up with this case where they claimed people got imagination up their bums and I could do something about it, at the same time, they had struck a deal with the culture and society gits they claimed made them gay because I was a better target after writing a Book that supported them, then they decided it meant the best and safest place for them to be is my hermitage and the abusive media that sets out ideas on how it should be accessed by the Public picked up from where abusive German influence petty street criminal twats left off over my involvement with the private security industry, the bottom chasing bits that happens because they have been doing it to others as well and hence an outcome where they will never stop until they had trashed all I had and moved to the next victim – it is not actually a behaviour that people who want respect from others would exhibit. They do claim I never explain how I got caught up in it, which reality is that I opened up areas of my personal life, codes and behaviour codes I can only share with a spouse to some people, it really added up to building a social life for the future and nothing like the reasons a person drops out of University like I did; started out with gimmicks concerning what Men thought of socially moral people when it came to development of their media careers, then the abuse moved on to female colleagues who were the next best thing since I had failed to co-operate; they said these were women who spent all day doing jobs that involved working with facts instead of lies and sex, it also paid them well, so other forms of immoral behaviour did not come into play and meant they were the next best thing, which then blew into publicity for those processes that allowed people to get attacked by people they fell in love with, while band of brothers got into offices to pay women less for doing the same jobs – supporting the people I got involved with until they reached managerial positions where they didn’t have to put up with contributed to me dropping out of University apparently for some reason and the people I started the Court with never engaged in behaviour that supported it or got involved to claim I was sleeping with peoples wives or got involved to sell me out to industry goons for money and connections, in fact I got a plus from those since it was possible to say that male colleagues that pretended to be their spouses were lying on account that their jobs were so far detached from personal life, so it turned out that those who never had it organised were always the biggest trouble makers. It is exactly the same situation I faced at University, I dropped out, they passed and kept the best jobs in the land but the abuses continued and then they say I am a war and it’s really sad while I am a writer, if people placed in context what I said in writing form, they would say there is no sadness to it whatsoever but what they preferred to do was to take up processes where I avoided talking as though I had a qualification in bullying, which they built up to a Publicity that suggested that tackling me brought about responses in which I came through as exhilarating – so I do get these questions on what I mean when I speak of talking like I had a qualification in bullying and it’s the old story about the way they gang up to ensure a person made sense of insanity that passed on their left hand side and right hand side and when you did fall for it, you will think that it helped you to make sense of society deploying your academic qualification to speak of and respond to their stupidities, while they will be left with a sense that there was no person on the planet with enough persuasive power to dissuade them from the abusive activities and all you have achieved was a process of talking when provoked as though you had a qualification for it.

They do claim they had reasons for despising me so much which I do not mind at all, as their reasons are mainly built on the basis that I did not care how they spent their time on this earth literally. It really needs to stop running me down, so that it might get into a position where it improved its stupid self by telling me what to do; whenever they want to blow their top on it, it is important they kept the gimmicks away from my Bookshop. The reasons they want to tell me what to do on the other hand generally being that they were evil and ruled by the devil literally as far as I am concerned – imagine my horror when I left parents to get into a world where I was caught up between general population and goons that make sense of peoples personal spaces for the purpose of being abusive while every process of stepping outside of my door was followed up by another set of gits pushing me into criminal activity from a safe distance where they didn’t have to take any responsibility whatsoever and now these idiots who claim I did embarrassing things during the pressure this exerted on me, which will cost me my career and everything I own with a big mouth showing up here to enforce popularity laws, talking nonsense of the finer points of homosexuality – the horror or realising their stupid civil rights meant that I came into this world to defeat their enemies while they clung to my public image for corruption and public interest in my work for fulfilment of money dreams, my reward for coming into the world to defeat their enemies being that I am a kind of man they understood, could handle and do whatever they liked with as such and the prospect for me was looking like a lack of co-operation with their needs will leave me homeless. It does need to stop blabbing at me so its criminals might listen to all that blabbing while it blows off a big mouth at me over what it is entitled to own around here, alternatively when it does, keep it away from the Bookshop, personally I think enough had not yet died as it were.

Time and again we find that it gets up the civil and criminal disobedience where they provide themselves excuses to continue, claims that women made a mess of my life and career and I did nothing about it, adding to the fact that I never listened to their stupidities about women all together. The truth of it being that women do not damage anything here; these idiots and their girls are responsible for all the career vandalism that has been a product of putting their pretty face out in Public to gather a crowd that will force me to do their bidding – the stage at which I complained about building a Bookshop to hang about a social life looking like a character that does not get paid for work he does, while they showed up here to blow off their big mouth about the way their bottom hurts because the criminals tended to find them everywhere they went, should have been the point at which they made a decision to shut it down, what we have had instead is a media presence built for everything that suggested that if people took their careers it mattered to such an extent somebody deserved to be punished and if people took mine it was a none-issue and I too am about to put out my pretty face to gather a crowd that will help me see to a way that will handle well their stupidities and that of their producers who are the only people in the world to walk into other people’s lives and introduce themselves as VIPs like they never had names, to such effects as I will trash those careers and anything they did to recover it will furnish me my popularity self-improvement. It is a question that still stands; when it has been widespread to such an extent that matters that occur when people share a living space, showed up on their media jobs to help them make their communities force others to do their bidding, a claim that it was a none-issue if victims lost the career while if they lost theirs it was quite serious, do they stop it when it causes harm, considering it has become so amusing that they can begin with claims of bad things women do to people’s lives to increase the fun content, if they are planning to stop it exactly what does their foolish schedule for doing so look like? They do love the blabbing that I am disrespectful because they believe if they had enough money, their need to serve the role of a problem with respect relationships people establish for work and business purposes can never lead them into harm’s way but I believe it can only be as amusing as it wants to be until when it is not anymore, especially when this stupid response is still the way to face the facts when made to pay attention to outcomes in which they spent other people’s time on their gimmicks instead of their own, hence the finances that have been affected. The rest of it is the claim that I cannot be trusted with the women which is utter nonsense as it has been an utter mess around here all together with a need they had to chase down women who took a liking to me, get into relationships, have children and settle divorces to get on with their lives, linking up my income margins to it because the women are known to have taken a liking to me – then my party piece where it’s impossible to get into a relationship with others, if I had devised my family finances to be controlled by the female partner, if my social life was about their Office space, Office bloc, Office window insults, garnished with silly young people and popularity idiots who want to play with my livelihood. The rest of the time we find get from the business of sorting their own defence mechanism with these stupid claims that I cannot be trusted around the women, to claims that I make a mess of everything at Industry as well, which is usually a process of white criminals assessing what I had to lose and what I was unable to protect, garnished by ethnic minority popularity idiots deciding what people thought about me if their process was abusive enough to ensure their stupidities were getting paid for being popular with my social life, as disobediently as possible but then again, I don’t have a secondary source of publicity for my Bookshop, save the business I have with the Companies I have brokered property equity with as such, so the stories they tell must be about their own social lives, if they wish to avoid trouble and that goes back to 2002 when this nonsense originated, since I cannot trust them to be respectful of my career and finances, a trusted to be around the women.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland