Eventually it becomes obvious that I am said to be taking steps which cause people to lose jobs at the Monarchy and some to lose their Royal commission; I wouldn’t know anyway, all I know is that I want to manage my Trust and release funds from the Estate to pay my way in the world and that The Queen is Leader of the Royal Family and the Duke of Edinburgh is the Head of it and that what these two persons decide is what happens either way. Hence if I fight for people and celebrities and leaders and others spend their time on fun games that involves ripping it up for me to ensure I must do it again and that more demands are made of me, the assumption is that they are trying to kill me. Others will say it is wrong for me to fight for others but I am not quite suggesting I do either way too – what happens is that I create conditions for leaders for example and an Auto maker makes cars on these conditions and a statement and an advertisement to go with it, but if these conditions are not as safe as I have advertisement already, then I am going to have to do it again and so as to make the products and clients feel safe which means somebody is trying to get me hurt – I sell Books of liabilities by the way speaking of which and if these conditions are not secured, it is rather impossible to locate how people might buy and read my Books safely when City centre goons and celebrity culture and various others do not wish to make money through employment but think that criminal activities are too risky with very little reward i.e. somebody damages it whenever I have fought for people and leaders and celebrities to get on media and ensure crowds make more demands of me then complains about losing a Royal Commission as well, about which I am actually not the one taking direct action which cause others to lose any. They do say they are getting out of hand with celebrities and on my finances and there is nothing I can do about it, it is utter rubbish as we all know everybody can see they want me to spend more time on the fact that when I block off their exit, it is because I know they have been to prison before. The real issue here is that there are these guys that enjoy ripping my work and academics and finances at the Monarchy, now they have been asked to perform some of the tasks that I do as well and their revenge is to set themselves up on one hand and their celebrities on the other, while they confiscate my Estate, the celebrities confiscate my public image; hence that they are actually getting employment as means of making money is where people are joking but criminal activities carry too much risks and do not pay as much, nobody knows therefore why they are so keen to tell me every so often and we are heading towards outcomes whereby each time their stupid Politicians rip up my public work over this matter and then set about ripping my finances to complain about resulting problems, something else gets a kick-off too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland