I have been told that the people I describe are rebels and that I spend my time messing around with them which I don’t – the truth of it is that their ideas are never really good enough to run the Country and they have never been intelligent enough to pass the processes, where the idea must be good enough and it must then win the competition with other ideas for the Office – we know how rigorous the selection process for people who warn £40,000 to £50,000 in the City is, so we can make sense of the Office if MPs earn £70,000 to £80,000 – in my case, my ideas are good enough but I am unable to hold them down and deliver them, so this just shows another stage where the idea is good enough, it wins the competition with other ideas and longevity at Office is a matter not of those ideas being implemented but the way that it is delivered produces the correct results; these guys as such are not even where I am and we see that when they are idealistic, they hit the social problems and become racist, when they are racist, they hit social problems and become violent. I for my part am unable to hold down and deliver my ideas because I am caught up with the sought of people who can easily invent an altercation with me and show up years later to conduct a coup de tat against the Government, hence I am not involved with Politics; it progresses into a matter of how the only group of people who breeze into other people’s concerns to set themselves out as paramount and more important than all others should be handled i.e. Celebrities and Mid-sized gangs who make out they are not too big and they are not too small so it is possible to cling to popularity matters until a Country burns by which time the worst that can happen to them is death while they will have already enjoyed all the finer things at that stage. So I am apparently being targeted all the time because I they say am one of the biggest challenges they face and this is after their gimmicks on what my personality should be used for has developed into something of me being bashed all day in a way whereby there was no evidence and meant that they expected me to come up with a great negotiating skill to earn my safety and well-being, which I have not got, hence we have entered into a phase where they will feel me every day too.

I have just completed processes for the career crime they hope to get away with; destruction of my academic work, extreme anxiety, eating disorder, being very selective about my diet, obfuscations have now been built about a diet being enjoyed by a character who is a nobody or a diet being enjoyed by a disobedient character that is exposing facts about cultures and the fact I can watch my back has become a global stage phenomenon with Media salvation abuses that  determine how people respond to my literary work and insulting threats of violence as the only way out of it but it clings to my personality for popularity, my public image for fame and now my Books with a stupid ethnic minority family where its stupidities believes itself to call the shots every day as disobediently as possible.


There is the talk naturally of my inadequate response to racism but I would not know anyway, I simply know that the facts about their racism does not add up like we can see there is no racism in the activities of Mr Trump US President, just the fact they played up race tribalism and we all feared somebody else will play up the racism card but every racism that has occurred is a product of public dissention that is specifically targeted at the President and his leadership. For my part, it’s a matter of being aware that what black people and their white friends have done with my concerns over the last 13 years alone, daily and none stop is aimed at a sense that they have always had fantasies about what they could do with money in terms of my person and possessions, should they put it up somewhere as leverage and build up a Media crowd for their insulting intentions. The output is that need for people to be able to draw a crowd unto stupidities they work in terms of a sense of Country ownership that allows them draw strength from nowhere in order to chase their daily concerns regardless of what the personal decisions made in their youth was like and with respect to which especially for the activities of those who are famous and stupid at the same time, what is being done with my concerns has not yet showed a relevant achievement and is starting to produce an effect what it seems what they want from me is a response which they will get pretty soon as well. Presently my finances are destroyed by the fact they and their stupid women have no wish to seek a real process of making a living, so they are extracting money from everything that my Court does to keep me abreast of where my property is located and it is so bad I have a couple of times thought about meeting financial needs by changing the way I operate which is quite impossible, leaving me completely exhausted and cash strapped at the same time (a fucking response to the racism that bothers their stupidities about which I will not be fucking their society for that stupid imagination getting up my bum).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland