It seems I am constantly expected to say something about happenings around the world – today’s one 18/7/2014 is about the tragedy in Ukraine of The Malaysian Airliner yesterday: I wouldn’t know, all I know is that Obama is playing his games, he thinks people are not going to die when he does as it were; so that every fool that is an aide of his office or close to it wants to be able to make a statement about how they have never seen anybody so abused and then used again when the time comes as I am and then when I ask them what’s more after it they say it’s a matter of how I and women like me provoke racists which does mean it has come to an end after years of turning up to look for trouble and make me fight for them leading to a process where they have never been so badly treated in their stupid lives of which their corruption of involvement is what got them a hearing in the first place. So it does apply that this power issue has now reached a stage where it is not worth the effort anymore. It does not shake me up in anyway, its much the same old case as when it is said I have simply turned up to make capital from German history of Nazism without understanding the price they paid for example when I know that as soon as using my work to make fame and fortune failed and I had slept with peoples wives, the next stage was to ensure some racists smelled my work and its market in order to confront me with the claim it was what they were trying to do all along but the more important bit of the matter for me goes far beyond the fact they are immoral people who add wickedness to their stupidity to create an outcome where they never do what they are told when they do not know what to do, like they think the rest of us are either terrorists or want to be, like the Nazis did, which of course explains some of the complexities surrounding the way that both the first and second world war played out in each case of which is a tragic loss of life in a situation where one person is pitched against another with deadly arms as a means of settlement – it reaches far into the abuse of a company every day for a decade so that when it had become an empire the money ended up somewhere else and they can pillage the assets and equities for self improvement and the building of a future; it is the reason they currently feel their entire existence is threatened too bearing in mind we cannot see them anywhere else but our National and International media showing when they are angry it matters and when I am it does not. Of course there is always that sense and that claim with it that people like me have been used to centuries of a religion that wrecks what people think about them in public places but of course when the issue of Politics and leadership is placed in perceptive and the question put up of whether or not a public can be savvy at the polls anymore when these facts are out there in the open, the reality is that the disposition I have created causes everybody to work hard towards their future and the security of their homes and so on, so that when they have their own as well we can understand clearly what they are talking about in Political circles and there will be reduction of consequences for the public when they are savvy at the polls; it will not change the fact however that extremists understand that every single perception others have about the entire being of another person is made up by them and enforced violently; so if people are looking for something to do they might want to spend time on that instead not least Americans – then there shall be no God and there shall be no Devil after that too as long as I am around to be bullied and lied about into sharing normalcy I establish that there might be no truth on account they have got media and Popular culture and advertisement and then nothing will be noticed of their obsession with destroying my home comforts in order to draw attention to their stupid needs, handle my property and tell lies in public all the time expecting people to give them Privileges of injustice, which has now become an industry in its own right too. Of course there is the follow up story of my inability to fight for people but  an envy and robbing of those who do, which makes sense of it all, all of the time and the fact they will never see that stupid culture again since turning up to confront me and talk rubbish does apparently have a price. Which makes even more sense when it is the case that it happens because I denied them fame at my expense and so they will punish with me every single relationship I have with important and famous people – half the story of course since the other half is the abuses that will facilitate the process being faced with vengeance as well as it were and then the story of how I use their culture and history to make a living which is just the start, we do not even know what will happen when trading the books get into full swing yet but what is certain is a programme put together to put their insolence where it belongs and keep it from damaging my finances and Royal property and alliances every single time they have an itch.

I do not think it is a major crisis in anyway; as I mentioned we have done stage one of how I will be beaten up by a boy they spend their journalist career on somewhere in a poor country in Africa and we have done stage two of how much trouble I will get into when they claim I sleep with peoples wives and cause enough trouble to ensure I do and we have done stage three of Racists sniffing my Intellectual Property because I bark their neighbourhoods off people, so that it might be said that it was what they were trying to do all along and now mentioning it means I have stayed off the history of Germany, which is utter nonsense because as long as they continue to turn up and stand in my face and put up all sorts of nonsense about how when they are angry it matters and when I am it does not, they will continue to get into trouble over that stupid culture that is nice to everybody else but me which it seems I have no right to stay away from and those who bring it near me cannot stop seeking privileges of injustice that I failed to dish out on them before now; the usual reactions to such things is that I am no Royalty and need to move left and yes the reality is that even if they stopped attacking me in this instant we still need another collection of years that will allow them to get their mode of thinking off a Royal order that the owner does not share with them or permit them to peddle in anyway; so they will get the trouble they are seeking and there is no doubt to that fact that they will get it in copious amounts as well. We do hear them say it is a matter of making sure people like me are stripped of a need to lead them but of course that is never true as what is true is a matter of what they expect to gain from Royalty that cannot protect their private assets if removed from Government office so they can find a lie that will help them lay claims of ownership to it and it is genocide stuff with that big mouth which is another reason they feel their entire existence is being threatened because of me but if we look at the matter Politically what happens is facts coming through such as the reality that when you tell them you dont want them to peddle your personality or property this is what happens, they force themselves on you and make it part of their history and peddle it anyway along with a problem they seem to have with those who hold authority, whose services and leadership are to a large extent a matter of what actually belongs to them, which they then deploy to help people with; so they now have media of course and I say more grease to their elbows as they get the hell out and do something useful with their stupid lives, my big Church thing. The messing up history of Germany thing does not in any way bother me – that is what they think, what I think is that the French and the Dutch and the Germans and some South Americans enjoying leaving their own concerns to turn up on my own to make noise about what I have damaged about their history on claims they are so powerful I exist as something that is requiring them to hold themselves back and that I do need to prove it and so when we understand these are the kinds of nonsense lazy idiots on media with a need for fame and fortune pillage my office with, it does come down to what happens when they turn up to make noise about how when they are angry it matters and when I am it does not – so at the moment they are complaining and that is good and as for their media idiots, it does seem they are not yet aware that provoking others always leads to a reaction which is why my possessions tend to end up with scum like that; in the end the reality is that when they are free of me the day they keep their insults and involvement where they might be appreciated, they will return to their lives and find out their mates had gotten way ahead of them, so it does not make any sense why people would require such things as Scottish Nationalism on one hand and then on the other turn out to handle possessions of somebody against whom they have never won a struggle allowing time to elapse and their mates to get ahead of them but it is an example of how you mess with fucking German history with a big mouth. These are things I say when I am being Political and when I am not, then what I say is rather that these fools are saying they want to stand up on my business and be a pain and that it means when they are angry it matters but when I am it does not and that I do not want to physically harm them for it as well – so that they have set out somebody that will put up a fight with me and rob me of everything right down to personal happiness over the next 30 years or more everyday and that is their plan for economic activity for the future but when it means that when they are angry it matters and when I am it does not, facts about how stupid they are and the number of people that do not get to tell them do becomes overbearing and they are playing with me thereof. They have come to the deduction that working for things is the only way to make progress, so I am something that has not yet backed up a sense they have that because of me they need to hold some back and this means that it must be applied on me through some power and talk nonsense about the history of Germany long after they had damaged my property and show no remorse for it whatsoever in order to come to this great deduction about the importance of work as it were – otherwise it should have been all about anus and penis and chest and tummy and head banging; the idiots.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland