So the case of those threats people issue all the time it is said, is measured by the fact most people think I am not handling my Office properly but we all know the last time such an issue was raised, we ended up talking about US failures and world peace. So here we go again, the part where the Firm serves the Government and the Monarchy and the Economy and the Office is used to Administrate Celebrities issues along with the backyard renaissance site and the rest is Church matters which the Monarchy is also exporting. So during the good days I used to have people who were Loyal to me temperamentally and are good at setting up those questions greedy Men cannot answer making videos and perhaps later on when an Advert is referred to the video it will have been obvious a business had become hugely successful and I need to get back there – which I cannot do without the Court and the Court is a mess at present because of Men and other involvement and that old tale of how badly I handle Women, whereas the reality is that when they hurt themselves they set about making out I am responsible for it, don’t ask why. In the end the Journalist ones are okay because they have to get into bad areas of society to report stories and if I provide those enough structures of security public matters can be resolved within the process. I am a bit troubled about the celebrity ones and am still working the selection process – interestingly older celebrities never really try and run away with anything and are rather keen on building communities, just like younger journalists are more interested in being submissive and the older Women at the Court are always working with that question of whether they want me or not etc; hence the story of handling Women is not actually accurate; like those threats mean that it is becoming more of a reality that selling that stupid culture for nothing because getting something will have meant keeping it when I don’t need it and building my own Britain I can live in lest idiots wreck everything here trying to exclude me from the one in which they fought for my rights before I was born – raising this case of whether the only way to govern them is by deprivation while the rest of us get to move on thereof, since I have exposed myself to the deprivation and their behaviour does not make sense, even though they make excuses that it’s a matter of how each time they commit crimes it makes sense of their lives when Lawyers and Judges talk to them about it and that the absence of all other meaningful activity leads to a cycle of crime but if asked what the other part of their lives that means they always have a right to handle people and teach people lessons does, the answer might be even more surprising. It comes down to the case of touching people then in the end and the fact it is such hard work; we do Charitable activities at the Monarchy because it ensures entire Generations of people are educated and or entire Generations of people have learned some trade or another – no point whatsoever people touching people all the time and complaining about the Soldiers and the Police; just like the overseas ones where the soldiers can get to work alright but when the matters are not being resolved it is up to the people who actually live there and the US can stop messing it up or continue to arm rebels while failing to control them – where my Court fits in being the one about the kind of leadership of which those that are more important are most deserving, which sits side by side with the fact Women have a very stupid way of showing they want to be important and believe that not only can they make you or bully you into giving up the answers to their problems, they also think that you have got it – the insult that are followed on with Media and advertisement and sales which are channelled at me are something I suppose which can only continue until the process of grafting their insanity into my life to copy how I keep myself safe in order to ensure they do not get into trouble runs out of steam as well.

So the case of those threats people issue all the time it is said, is measured by the fact most people think I am not handling my Office properly but we all know the last time such an issue was raised, we ended up talking about US failures and world peace. So here we go again, the part where the Firm serves the Government and the Monarchy and the Economy and the Office is used to Administrate Celebrities issues along with the backyard renaissance site and the rest is Church matters which the Monarchy is also exporting. So during the good days I used to have people who were Loyal to me temperamentally and are good at setting up those questions greedy Men cannot answer making videos and perhaps later on when an Advert is referred to the video it will have been obvious a business had become hugely successful and I need to get back there – which I cannot do without the Court and the Court is a mess at present because of Men and other involvement and that old tale of how badly I handle Women, whereas the reality is that when they hurt themselves they set about making out I am responsible for it, don’t ask why. In the end the Journalist ones are okay because they have to get into bad areas of society to report stories and if I provide those enough structures of security public matters can be resolved within the process. I am a bit troubled about the celebrity ones and am still working the selection process – interestingly older celebrities never really try and run away with anything and are rather keen on building communities, just like younger journalists are more interested in being submissive and the older Women at the Court are always working with that question of whether they want me or not etc; hence the story of handling Women is not actually accurate; like those threats mean that it is becoming more of a reality that selling that stupid culture for nothing because getting something will have meant keeping it when I don’t need it and building my own Britain I can live in lest idiots wreck everything here trying to exclude me from the one in which they fought for my rights before I was born – raising this case of whether the only way to govern them is by deprivation while the rest of us get to move on thereof, since I have exposed myself to the deprivation and their behaviour does not make sense, even though they make excuses that it’s a matter of how each time they commit crimes it makes sense of their lives when Lawyers and Judges talk to them about it and that the absence of all other meaningful activity leads to a cycle of crime but if asked what the other part of their lives that means they always have a right to handle people and teach people lessons does, the answer might be even more surprising. It comes down to the case of touching people then in the end and the fact it is such hard work; we do Charitable activities at the Monarchy because it ensures entire Generations of people are educated and or entire Generations of people have learned some trade or another – no point whatsoever people touching people all the time and complaining about the Soldiers and the Police; just like the overseas ones where the soldiers can get to work alright but when the matters are not being resolved it is up to the people who actually live there and the US can stop messing it up or continue to arm rebels while failing to control them – where my Court fits in being the one about the kind of leadership of which those that are more important are most deserving, which sits side by side with the fact Women have a very stupid way of showing they want to be important and believe that not only can they make you or bully you into giving up the answers to their problems, they also think that you have got it – the insult that are followed on with Media and advertisement and sales which are channelled at me are something I suppose which can only continue until the process of grafting their insanity into my life to copy how I keep myself safe in order to ensure they do not get into trouble runs out of steam as well. I just want them to see they need to stop digging my Heirlooms and try to understand they fail to survive every time I am involved with their idiotic business nonsense all over the world and of course their celebrity insanity alongside it too; this idea of Women ambitions and which part of it I will be bullied into funding will not end well, especially for the Americans.

The matter is not that much of a problem for me; I am upper class and these guys have their own ways of doing business which is entirely different from mine – what we have seen today is a process of sulking gays who must find a way to look after customers to get rich on my Public image, going further to a point where they try to do my own Royal business to make money because they are Americans and have broadcasting Media to play with, which then becomes even more stupid as the day goes by and they find it increasingly difficult, that it is followed with threats and accusations and has now ended up in some form of leadership competition in which they have already secured the upper hand and I have to say that this will be the last date at which I tolerate it as well and if I get hold of the male ones, will make that nonsense about a state of mind that has one thing after another he needs to do for people they say I have got which has nothing to do with the truth of Government involvement in my life and criminals inviting themselves as well but more to do with when my state of mind of things I know I should be doing for others means being exposed to racism while they can use it to threaten me and fleece me for anything they want with that big mouth and I will make it a lot more crooked than it already is at present. I am the one with the upper hand in this matter and the Americans especially have never really understood why this behaviour is such a threat to me i.e. The part of the Court where Women are older than me is full of people that do nothing but look after me and ask questions all the time as per whether it is me they really want, which means it is an environment which somebody that has already had a go at the world is being encouraged to try again; not one in which people fleece ideas and inspiration for getting rich and being important and providing leadership of money and industry, so they will never be free of me, not least now even the American government cannot question me about my position concerning their civil rights meaning they should be able to threaten me with Men and fleece anything they want from me at will; the route to their freedoms is when they stopped digging my Heirlooms and when they had kept their insanity away from my Books and when they had stopped getting involved with me, especially for the blacks who think they share a skin colour with me and are therefore always deserving things and it is no guarantee that the idea will involve getting some stupid freedom back from me either; they are all wasters getting wasted too and there will be no such thing. So we hear talk of things I hope to get away with of course because they think all these nonsense are a harmless process of playing with me and it is the same story all round all day long, playing with those who do not want to play with them and playing such ways as well and then it bottoms out my Book sales everyday and becomes a main preoccupation. They say playing is how people make money but so do we see that lower class millionaires are always childish too and this is how they get around the get rich quick sales world in which they do so well; as mentioned before, what we have seen today is a process where they start broadcasting Media nonsense on my public image to do business like me and take over and it started around 10.30am and by 14.30pm it had completely failed and vandalism which bottomed out my Book sales today was what they resorted to – this is not something that will be allowed to repeat itself in the next 24 Hours, especially for the Americans; the Politicians do say it was a process of making me suffer to create a problem they can solve for personal glory of course and if that becomes a rhetoric it will wind me up as it were; we have a history as it stands i.e. my bottom hurts and for their stupidities sake there has to be a reason for it or I will make one.

It’s like some new thieving global movement of feminists to rival the civil rights scumbags of the male counterparts and I am sort of somebody who has a state of mind which says there is one thing after another I have to do for the Public and facilitates colloquialisms by which every stupid extremist violent barely criminal scumbag can have a conversation with me that only I and they understand at a safe distance without getting into trouble with any rules or laws and this has come to define the meaning of existence for them as it were.

I mean they can work for what they want to achieve or they can work towards choosing my crowd for me and stealing all I have but it is ever seldom discussed as the civil rights or feminism of theft and robbery and I have had enough of that situation too as of Today. They will repeat that same tale of how I can be free if I let people be free too, utter nonsense as they are referring to how they were born and how they were raised and what they grew up to be and not mine as it were, bearing in mind it is ever so helpful if they did pay attention to the ones that actually pay the bloody salaries. So they laugh here and say it is not clear when my endless fighting will come to a stop and yet I think I have it sorted out; utter nonsense of course since what they are wailing about at present is the fact South Americans and Africans and Europeans and Middle East people that are allied to Russia and communism cannot stay off people right hand or keep their finger off peoples bums and they are not looking good for it as well and it got to a stage of a fight with anything in suits that is really good at those abuses and the narcissist partying associated with it and the very nasty market square behaviour that can handle a victim and go from teasing to violence as it were, from Holly wood to India and result such as goons wanting to develop their own social colloquialisms about how I steal their jobs and businesses while my bottom has not stopped hurting on their account as well anyway with that big mouth. Now I am starting to pay profound attention to the American ones as well.

They have always done this stuff of their communities that are more about partying than anything else and every other means of keeping that existence sustained which creates a survival of the fittest environment which fittest they are not except when it comes to lies and stealing and popular culture that is but it seems they have become quite obsessed with hitting me and I am just saying I am done with Communist allies at this point and they need to take note that I have started paying some attention to US ones as well. I do get told on one hand that I will not let Politicians share in what I am doing and that it will continue to make things worse, while on the other hand told my interference with Politics has yet to be explained; the truth of the former being that other peoples jobs and livelihoods are obviously things politicians can just be a part of and for the latter they continue to pretend their job description is a vague one whereas it actually isn’t. Just like they say I think mine is as well when I already have a reputation built for me on Media that is one of an obsession with work, whereas the reality is that I never actually do and that the insult is becoming something real in its own right with consequences attached for them as well; so that it is completely necessary but then again began with stories of how I am one person writing Books who steals market from whole broadcasting businesses with hundreds of shareholders involved and so I decided every occasion they do something to affect my Literary Empire will see me catalogue something about their broadcasting business which will always me extract market from the Boys as well – they have now resorted to insults and I am not the one complaining, hope they got themselves on some antidepressants too for my part, since it is obvious that they are now the ones that are being tested. I can take them on at any time, I only need a placard with a line in the Middle and on one side my business while the other their own and then I will list every aspect of my business and theirs and take it to make a show of myself at Westminster with everyday and then their HQ every day after that and so on, until I am sure that I have killed off those stupid profits the next time I check their stock market indices; what they are complaining about at present is that I am making their staff behave for them; the one where he is normal guy in jeans and the one on camera dresses well but only where the camera is pointing but exude absolute vandalism of my business Empire with everything they do to build themselves some sort of enigmatic personality that develops publicity even when the parameters are controversial and when they say it, they do not stop if they can resort to the insults instead, hence I need to continue this state of affairs where they have to take antidepressants with them to work every day. So they say the back stage media people that are allied to me never get anything right in my view anyway but that is utter nonsense too; reality is that if somebody is older than I am and is in the Court, there has to be a dress code to reflect it and if they do not think it is important while their whole personality is asking questions all the time about if it is me they really want, then we can go with that but I will not be giving out any Men’s world privileges that means people can go off and do new reporting in some difficult conditions either; they used to be alright until the Men got involved with the Court and there was excessive intrusion into our concerns and if I can get rid of these two we will be alright again; hence they think the insults are good and I hope they want to take anti-depressants to work every day too.

They say I am being manipulated but that is largely because they are not paying attention to what I am doing i.e. there are people who have been selected by them and must not be allowed to breathe the free air because they have needs, to be rich, to be famous and so on; so we have no reached a point where if Politicians do not want me to conduct regular status review and set them out as people who have money and need to buy things so others can run a business and have things streamlined so that we do not get stuck in the middle where nobody is either job seeker or job creator, they need to tell their white boys to stop rounding me up at work and academics, ruining my finances and expecting me to write Books they ensure never get sold with while they have civil rights and that stupid Media at their disposal; they have always done these things but it seems they will keep repeating the cycle on my case until they chase my quality of life like only they can look for that degree of trouble. I mean it does comics and it does supermarket and celebrity magazines and all other things of that kind, it lives in a closed off community that only opens up when it comes my income and knows somebody that works in the Military; it needs to stop rounding me up and ripping up business and finances and academics in order to ensure I write Books that never get sold because he has got civil rights and Media at his disposal and fat boy wants to play with what happens when Christian is not financially well off and all will be well, otherwise there will be a need to account for everything. These matters are not unusual, they have always put up this behaviour – it generally means they cannot control the criminals but they can control those who handle crime with disobedience etc but it is the part whereby they have this ability to come to very swift and decisive action when it comes to attacking those who have not harmed them in any way in order to clear out their loser image, I cannot stand i.e. then they start to groom you until you look like something a pre-pubescent goon wants to stab which creates them a cosmopolitan environment that you can rip up as well or like me, just put holes in it and hand it back; they always look decent but for some reason business owners do not want them hanging around premises etc.

They love to talk about my attitude so much but it has always been a story of their right to teach people lessons and more so all of the time too, so that when it does get to a stage where you can go away of which the usual reason for offending them is that you are different, which was never a problem until they started making you a disturbed person and your body language clingy and sticky whenever the problems are concerned showing off the power effects of that stupid lasciviousness all the time – so that has always been the main problem i.e. you can offend us and go away but we will wait and when you return you will be punished; when the parents do its annoying because they want to be famous for it, when the kids do as well it goes too far and they think they can do and undo and it has to be resolved.

We hear my Books are not written properly as well which is utter nonsense; everybody knows a statement of fact cannot make a Book and a Book cannot exist without an exponent of the state of fact; I am the only person in the whole world who writes a Book as a statement of fact and still gets a story from it. It is the reason their stupidities and laziness and evil is always chasing me around telling me I will get beaten up if they do not share and thus is become a crime that I have to prevent as well. So it’s an old tale of areas of Town where you give people your manuscript and they call you in 6 Hours and tell you they will not publish and then others whereby they will call you back in a week to hand back your Book and then you will find it has become another person’s property because the person is more militant etc. I personally have made myself clear on some occasions, that I have no qualms with the idea of seeing Men struggle financially all the time anyway; it is these little hints people have not taken in which is why they still speak of my attitude. So the story is still the same i.e. they need to stay away from my Books to avoid a fight with sales people that will ensure they can no longer practice that stupid market square nonsense that allows them to teach secretes of wealth and make money they cannot actually account for, with which to blow off that big mouth around here all the time for too and I will be chasing it down to the bit where it goes from insults and abusive disobedience to violence and racist murder too – we all know the US Government is not questioning me about it any time soon anyway. It’s not really a favourable disposition from which to brag ever so often when you rip up people’s lives to make sales and people buy to experiment or make you go away etc or even spend some lose change to support consumerism that will help to hit some small firm that is not playing along with the large and stupid big boys etc.

Now I understand the case made about my language but I have mentioned before it is a part of my writing work and not the way I communicate with people – it starts with the abuses from these guys which has many uses and not least a process where they find somebody to cause suffering to in order to sell out a prerogative to those who actually have money and then the result is that I find myself making that whenever they are done with their wickedness and set out to do nice things like civil rights, I can express my own version of how I want them to feel about what they have done on that too and in the process get off to do the swear word and foul language so that the result becomes a condition in which everybody is stuck  and nobody is able to do a single good deed everyday just the way they like it, since it makes them feel like real Men and real Women etc. They do boast about how I cannot deal with the result of such behaviour of course and that only continues until I make sure they lose all loutishness that facilitates market square behaviour and means of getting rich without being able to account for it, while the Celebrities have too much of it and then everybody will complain about their hurting bottoms and it will be such a good idea for all to be homosexual except I have always completely destroyed and dismantled all structures that make homosexual sex enjoyable; when I am not being nice I start to find myself look more seriously into their good deeds like gather civil rights and do on and start to replicate the same behaviour I endure here so that money mad idiots can ensue I lose everything – whereby I may have done my good deed for the day but 90% belongs to them and they take care of me from s distance with access that is possible through very violent and relentlessly abusive lasciviousness and then I will take care of them and own 90% of the effects of their civil rights as well that way and continue with everything else I learn from them without reason or purpose. So it all adds up to a matter of how bad foul language and swear words really are. It’s like the Brexit issue where those who moan about it setup a very abusive ways of making money on account the EU existed, now that the UK is out of it, have come up with a twin rhetoric of getting the government to compensate them for their losses on account they lost the referendum for having no brains at all and also of course the option that if that was not possible other peoples market and income should be collected for them and it causes wonder of exactly where it is supposed to stop and then in my case that accusation surfaces of some left hand side or right hand side I had damaged when I do mention they idolise rich people and I am currently successful with government stuff because people feel sharp pain when they mess with it but not finances because they don’t.

So in terms of my financial successes however, it is an old tale of the fact that people take a look at millionaires who have to become one with their team of sellers and make themselves chief seller in a social and political leadership of selling that they provide and then make out I am supposed to be the same thing. The reality however is that I am not actually supposed to be the same thing, being financially successful at a Royal commission is a wholly different matter – I have to expose my Heirlooms and get them back when people are done, in return for financial reward or the sale of a product not become a chief sales person; I am aware I have done so on two main fronts – one being that which I completely control while the other is that which concerns the Company that Publishes my Books and it is an American firm.

Now they are worried about Fat boy rhetoric but the attitude whereby my mind has to be set such that my whole thought process as a result of their disobedience is one that wants to do something for the general public which by the way began with a mockery of my religious living in the first place, this they do knowing they have racism going on in their stupid Country and do because the racism is necessary for the processes of scaring people into giving up wealth as a result of the fact there is wealth inequality problem and it goes to the heart of that nonsense whereby they do it while failing to see they are a bunch of low lives who simply have a deluded idea which suggests they are important i.e. somebody who did it to them once wrecked their whole lives, I have to put up with them every day and they are more important. Soon the older and tougher guys will be teaching me lessons as well which is utter nonsense and much the same story all round i.e. they have taken up 15 years of my time and there has to be a way to account for that time lost, nothing wrong with my Books, my bottom hurts and there has to be a reason or I will make one. There is no evidence to support any suggestion I have said such things in order to please the media either; the Media are the ones that will turn over everything you do until you become a disturbed person, then still afford the effrontery to gain from your work without paying and show themselves to be convinced that you are okay with it, owe them such a favour and that they are in league with you in some way – I have said it because I am accused of not handling matters the conventional way, which is not true i.e. there is something very unusual and evil about this stuff concerning older and tougher people etc and the Police should never mention that the problem with them is violence because it would be racist to do so.

Its the reasons people think cannot be discussed but that is simply a matter of people having various flavours with respect to their need to take advantage of others on account they are stupid and lazy and selfish and have dreams and plans and have no wish to work for it etc, especially when female particularly in need of somebody that has made a promise not to hurt them when they do it, such as a religious person etc; so it is really not that difficult to discuss anyway.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland