I am told that most of my problems are due to the actions of women who fight my battles for me and what the rest of the world feels about it and it’s the same case over and over with these twats that cannot stop playing up their incredibly hurtful gimmicks on others again and again and again as it were – we know it started out with such nonsense as the power they will have when I got from attending Church to being Homosexual, which then had to happen whatever the cost – then it progressed to something of a need to do things to my body and the personality I have cultivated at a Hermitage and how being financially and socially well off was linked to doing so – now in 15 years of daily abuse, it has settled up on Women fighting my battles to give its stupidities the right to do these things and has reached a point now where its mean cunt needs to be made to understand that it is very hurtful every time it does it and that it is about to get a response for it very soon indeed as it were. I do get asked if I know why they do it but it was always the old case of what is purely evil i.e. none will be able to explain why it needs to do things with my body and the personality I cultivated at a Hermitage if it is simply said that its idiocy was due to narcissism, only the fact that this nonsense being linked to financial well being and social standing is largely based on what is corrupt and rotten to the core, therefore is need of an exorcism would explain it accurately. We see the same of their Politicians who believe they can exhibit any wickedness they wanted at Government buildings to any extent that they liked as well and the business of stopping me from controlling this until I dropped out of University and then telling me I need consider where these idiots have been and therefore allow them have whatever they wanted, was not just to show they made a deal at my expense but to express the fact they had made a deal and if that deal did not work, their stupidities could get anything from me by virtue of Government Office with a big mouth – so we find that unless there is an outcome in which there was a reckoning that involved me and the Office of a Politician which is located a few shops away from the Bus stop for instance, there will continue to exist this behaviour that suggests I am a piece of meat and they are a handful of rabid Dogs. So do women fight my battles then? Of course they do, but those were meant to protect me, not respond to peoples practical jokes – about which it is now clear why stories of how my bottom hurts and I am always in constant pain because there is a link between hurting me and having money to feel safe will provoke me, especially as a matter of the battles women fight on my behalf: the truth of what I think of them is that each time those structures such as Media and Celebrity culture failed to make them money they can pay their way in the world with, everything gets better around here, these stupidities not coming to a stop after 6 years of daily tolerance largely means I am going to get out of here and build a Public image that asks a constant question about why it is such a bad thing when they do not have access to money – for now, I think the case of all hell breaking lose around my career and finances because women fight my battles is some sort of stupid defence mechanism for the wickedness they are already working at my expense to get rich like we see their stupidities give the one they own to the frugal. I am very well aware their main concerns is the way that I run my concerns to stir up Culture and Society trouble makers which hurts their bottom, churns their tummy and ensures their Celebrity culture was not profitable, sitting about at local communities to send their criminal disobedience twerps out to run me down all day but this was a direct consequence of showing up all over my Books with other plans in mind and they have been running of this nonsense while complaining of the consequences last 6 years so far.

They do claim that I am nasty but I am not, they are; ranging from hanging about my case to suckle my Christian upbringing, talking rubbish about needing a slave so badly and since society will not let them have one, develop a habit of heaping insults on me – the part the men are good at involved something of another way to run my career to such an extent the anal sex this nonsense suggests got completely out of hand. Then again, it does not mean that when people inflict these things on me, I should allow my mind to develop toward the direction they were trying to push it but at the same time, there is no law which says I cannot build it up and beat them down all day, each time they damage my Bookshop with it. It is not really a crisis, it is the story of being labelled a bum to make me more pliable when it comes to the insults of the younger people who like to pick on bums and get popular, so they have now reached that stage where there are criminals over there who send them out to run me down all the time, talking nonsense about the smell which indicated they had begun to annoy themselves but will not take risks lest I got to tell the Police I was acting in self defence and carries on like that, stuck between a rock and a hard case, seeking to blow off its big mouth talking nonsense at me all day long. It has now stagnated my career and social life and I need to move it on, starting with the society idiots and the civil rights fools who send them out to get in touch with me – we can then see that whether or not this nonsense occurs as such, the Media and Celebrities had no business with it but had built a media bubble for it at my expense, which is what the complaining and history making was all about.

They do claim they really hated to hear me talk and its what this nonsense has come to i.e. I cannot be left alone and it was their civil rights to get in touch with and handle me until I dropped out of University and everything else that followed, so each involvement is to be very expensive for them and their communities, they are to find out what I know and if they believe they had annoyed their stupid selves enough to come round for the violence, I should do my best about their stupidities as well. My reputation as an Arch Prince is enough to allow me settle my finances at any stage and any time I wanted, besides which I do not understand what their problem with poor people who only need settle up a work life, comfortable living and a good pension was, if they spent most of their time plugging their stupidities into my social life to sell entertainment, which income they deployed to dominate me as well – they do claim they planned to resist every part of my financial well being and so we need be clear that we were heading towards that outcome where I had issued warnings about the behaviour which had been repeated and needed to be followed up with consequences applicable to those insults, right through to the way I had to tolerate the abusiveness of the silly Industrial conferences as well. The cause of this is being what people want to know and its an old story where some of my Public work, like the part where these gits follow me around to such an extent they got caught between a rock and a hard case, producing an outcome where Celebrities trashed my finances and social life to make me work for them – the problem has been that I spend all day clearing out the consequences of their popularity in a hope I will eventually succeed but I never will because when I clear something out, they made new ones and hung about somewhere getting the rest of the world to think of my public life as something that belonged to them, the entire time, I had written a Book and money was not an object in their world; they have to accept the offer of making comments about their own concerns or their public life is set to give way to mine.

The story about my so called cowardice to be settled, I rather think it’s a matter about a group of people who think that when somebody is not easily provoked like I am, it tended to mean that they had acquired a license to handle the person as they pleased, whereas for most people it tended to mean that he is not interested thereby causing most to move on and stop handling him after a while but not for these goons: a Police Officer will ask a famous person how they planned to pick up their fame when they were done persistently handling people and property that was not affiliated to them without permission and more so abusively in a very public way, so they will respond to such a question by enlisting criminals to collect my career for them – it is not what we are doing now as such, what we are doing now is preparation to be in a position where I can administration this famous peoples nonsense or I can do something about it and the first step to it, is to ensure everything that is done to my career, finances and Office can be done to their own by me as well, no matter how famous they were. So I could never understand the cowardice story which was a product of a business where they never do a thing about bad people tackling them but never stop making life hell for morally upstanding people either, which builds into those stupid civil rights problem that we cannot be free from as such – now they have found mannerism associated with the way I might respond to my civil duties to play with and it had since transformed their stupidities into a handful of bullies. The first time my existence provoked them, concerned the way I am an Arch Prince but none gets to see the war and peace bits, just the peace bits that is meant for so called pussies, now what annoys them endlessly was the consequences of the problem they appeared to have with people who worked in the Armed Services and how the process applied to me, complaining all the time, just as much as their stupidities raise the point all the time. They do claim tempers like mine were the reasons the world was a bad place, what we know is that it is very unusual for people to make comments about another person and the persons career in a way that affected Clients that did not go to the persons place in order to seek a feedback from them; so I think that I have a much better plan to the looming sense that a reputation for acting in a way which affects general public freedom of speech was inevitable. In essence it should have made sense that if they knew I had a Royal Office so getting into a tit for tart with them will place me in a worse position, none has yet been able to explain why they needed to raise the point about my cowardice endlessly.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland