So I do get told that I am disrespectful too and yet its fine saying that even though it changes nothing about the fact I will get out of bed in 24 hours to deal with a business that has a global frontier but is not doing well at all on account others exist and they will claim it is because of what I have done to their culture, expressing those stupidities that suggest when I am made to get stuck somewhere and they had secured conveniences from my existence things are always normalised when that is not actually the case and seldom rarely actually happens too anyway. There are abusive insults and there are abusive insults and there are degrees to which people can take their abusive insults too, while I am a writer and those who do not have my Books in hand have no business with me nor do they control anything around here. They do claim they are teaching me lessons too and I am sure everybody can see how far they are willing to take their insults too, since it is usually a case of enough abuse to ensure the right hand side of me is shut down and so much trouble gives me a left hand side of popular culture full of brainwashing with fear and abuse that does not sleep; hence I could hardly be blamed for cutting it up like I have as well especially when it wants to find out more on what to do to bring about wealth equality during a recession and targets me to that effect too. it is clearly how they handle rejection; if my property does not serve them people will die doing what I should have been courageous enough to do and those who will die attacking me will be less in number and then I will  be nailed for good but so  also have their business idiots found I am still making my money in the cleanest way known to Man as all that does, dies in their lives and their stupid world, especially the Americans.

I hear I never think any problems concerning black people is important but I suppose there is no reason to; first of all because they have spent my time and their own while white people make hay, to build a process whereby what has never been done before in the form of financial equities of a business empire ending up somewhere else where people can earn money with it via sins, wickedness and popular culture happens and it is attached to another thing that has not been done before, in the form of building a business empire and breaking it up to broker equities and sell Books for products – so on the contrary, the only question on my mind at this stage can only continue to get sharpened by foolish black women that want to live on my public life and have a toy army to threaten me with all the time to that end so I might make them squirm all the time and find out who will enforce their stupidities when their whole lives are now based on me getting beaten up a trophy by one of their scumbags anyway i.e. who the fuck are black people anyway? In the end the reality being that these are very stupid individuals who actually need to listen to what I am saying to them for a change as we all know what they can do nothing about is their problems but what they can oppress is those who actually tend to solve those problems for them – to yap  nonsense at me about a war I wanted by being more important than they are which they find provocative; then we hear them complain about this being a necessary behaviour as when people like me get armed others do not stand a chance, of which nobody knows why I would want to be armed first of all and then also the reality of course that I may not be seeking a war but it does not mean those who turn up here to want it this much will not find it either.

People have to understand I would never have dropped out of University and become so distant with Royal Families like the Dutch Royals and Spanish Ones that had become so fond of me, or indeed detached from the British Royal Family to the extent that I have been; so I wonder if anybody is still pondering why they need to be avoided by those who are hoping to deploy an existence for something useful – the story of how I support white people of which does not count either, since the whites that support racism live in Council estates and the blacks that support gangs and criminals work on Media. They do say they are doing my stuff all the time knowing that either by natural causes or not it is a Role I am to fulfil to the end of my life on Earth, especially the Americans and then we hear them mention something about new information gathered to show there is a squeeze on blacks in the US and around the world as well; I.e. if I do nothing they will do my stuff. We hear this tale of a power they have all the time, which is an old story of two way problem oppression alongside women and communities i.e. the Car he drives is the reasons he oppresses you and when he drives by you see his problems and he oppresses you the one that will last the day, the rest being communities of very foolish women that want to see you in a sexual condition and very stupid confused and incredibly silly children living alongside and of course yap yapping and I will ensure their frontiers and those communities are Royal property and they will get it of me then as it were.

The story of me having a female only court being the problem does not come into this question at all; that is another story about the reasons for such things because that I am angry all the time and the reason that is important being that cracked-up out of my league wants to crack me as well and use my public image for conveniences, hence primarily needs to make me angry all the time so I might crack up nearest and dearest. The underlying story of course being the same as ever i.e. if not the one where she has an ego and the managers of her job and her agents must collect my public life for her and when she interferes to a point where I make a statement in public, the outcome will be a breach of property on my part and then my Royal Estate will belong to others and her ego will be satisfied – then it has to be the one where she turns up and makes a reputation for herself about my Court knowing her husband does not approve and can do that for decades without once raising awareness or publicity to the effect of telling people about the Court, if the idiots can crack themselves up raising publicity to the effect of other small side businesses they want to do with it in order to get rich instead. Nobody knows why they are always throwing one question up on me with that foolish media every time they had started to face some real problem that come along with their foolishness anyway; after all we all know they claim racists normally murder completely random stranger simply because people are not white. I am just trying to do my best being the bigger person here; we hear they say I do not stand a chance when I am busy with my concerns but somebody is not dealing with me in Boy mode that does not like his fellow foul talking boy mode especially the ones that show up on Media, to make it real for them yet as it were. It has always been a test of whether I can live with absolute scum and I am not doing too badly getting jobs off them and keeping it too; the importance of making sure this is how it works being that matters are kept out of the hands of trouble makers and within their hands and made into a case of a choice between them and more successful peoples of the world.

I am still after the same case i.e. a few year ago I got some success at selling my Books and the conditions by which that happened was a case whereby it all went quiet - on my part, for the Media, for the Politicians etc - it was quiet all round and so I want it to be quiet again or cataloguing peoples Media insanity so they can get on each other’s throats whenever there is big news to report, will give way to cataloguing their news all together because I want to control my own publicity.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland