I do not think that it is okay to betray the Tories and take sides with them when I see fit; its just a simple fact that it was obvious they needed to stem the tide of civil service embezzlement because the Labor party thinks of it is an instrument of corruption that is above the law but there is no reason we are not see active actions taken to stimulate growth at this point and everybody knows I already have a reputation for a hatred of the idea that when one thing is to be done by those who have an office to do it, they choose to be preoccupied by another which is closely approximate. It is in their interest to do the growth stuff and seal their electoral victory.

I know that people are not supposed to do fame and fortune on the right hand side of society of course and that is why I make it so attractive for the trouble makers, as it is clearly the only way to show that not only do I get to do anything when insolent black people are desperate enough to make me suffer what they are suffering so that I can understand and then do something about it and suffer anyway like they have but also show that I have duties of office and they are nothing. It has therefore now become impossible to do the left and they have high levels of encouragement to on the right which they will have in hell too as I do not believe they should be allowed to do as they please; if I am leader I lead all, hence the usual piss off point seems to be the media where they build it up and try to make out it is reality but make it out so in defiance as well by making it out on the right. All of which is linked to Politicians do politics that operate for them the plundering of other people before any government policy has been settled and never do what they are asked to in anyway or at the right time until the plundering has been complete and it never has a reason of course, claiming it happens for power, so I can plunder them as well which I do for justice and make so much sense of their civil rights campaigns therefore.

They therefore love to make those noises about what is on and what is not with and on their media which I have no idea what the meaning is bearing in mind I have made it quite clear where I stand with respect to their irresponsibility which they know where I stand all the way to Natural environment matters, especially when attributed to the Popular culture and its elitism insults and the media corruptions and the pornography. They do not seem to make out the connections i.e. that in order to sell my books they need to be under the control of my business or fail to appear at any point in my life and work and as for their politicians and the Policies of plunder for power the race violence ideology is always the best collateral and while that happens we hear no complains of course and will never do anything or let go of either unless they are given enough lease that will ensure once they had decided to stop practicing it and its violence at some point, I will have been the only one left plundered so they can have perversions of power, otherwise it will continue with a big mouth. It is much the same behaviour on the economy and I am actually not of the opinion I will actually sell my books if I do not finish up the job that is applicable to them; by the way which is the question of why they are so irresponsible anyway, more so considered in light of the fact the reasons they claim the plunders are important is for the trappings of power which never involves them?

The business part on the other hand they say is my big weakness but the truth is rather that we live in a world where people share and borrow things, especially the business one and I am not of the opinion therefore that bearing in mind they want to borrow all I own and then keep it for themselves as a form of corruption that I can ever sell books when I allow the corporations and enterprises they either own or are linked with to do as they please. Bearing in mind also that I can keep it all to myself and get accused to owning the world basically but because I have a public office it counts in their favour that I do and must also therefore count in mine as well. Hence what I mean when I ask the question of why they are so irresponsible; three years without a clear policy on administration for the economy unless they are sure once they had stopped the race violence collateral I will have been left plundered for the trappings of power they want to have when there are British Businesses in China and Russia and India and the South Americas and this is a job they can complete in four months if they were interested at all. It never means that I criticise the Conservative or coalition government either because Labour created the need to administration in the first place and built it up to the size of work that it has become today – it is as though none white parents claiming their children have stolen a white mans beauty using the kind of success they have gone off to achieve gone international and global, in this case it can be anything from stealing American beauty to stealing Brazilian beauty etc and we see them turn out in public places to pretend they have businesses of their own as well for it – clearly no problems there with a big mouth.

They ferment these extremism and then seek policies that will decide which one is in their interest that people get to express in public and so because people don’t want to express the one they think people should like the Muslims for example while they deny they don’t know why more and more Muslims are having extremist views and that they need to sacrifice my property and books to get a grip on things, I always like to do them the favour of waiting until I have enough leverage which sees that it is not in the best interest of fame or government office for me to express those views in a certain place, then do them the favour of expressing it there. The watershed on the matter is of course the manufacturing industry in the UK where violently insolent claims of sharing something is the position where mine ought to be better than theirs means such things as claims I don’t really like F1 engines and think it as something I say to ensure I get in the way to get attention, which their fellow black idiots think is something I must be bullied into sharing so they can have it while I don’t as well because they are more willing to have sex with stupid women than I am. I personally wouldn’t know anyway since I grew up in an environment or ports and car engines and exports and within it the groove of academic work, hence it can never really be loud enough necessarily. In the end F1 is an academically charged environment and no body really knows exactly why they turn out if they feel I need to exchange some of my life with them so they can like it as well in a condition where they mix with rich people and need to be better off than I am as well which are the kind of things that make the enmity because it takes up all my time and especially so because they share it with others too, especially the black ones with their stupid communities as well.

I am not suggesting it is dire and the idea I take sides with an area of society that does not do me any favours when I am always being plundered before they do anything so they can have power does not necessarily mean that such claims hold water either.  It is an old issue; if you know they have access to your privacy you expect them to mention what they find there and make out ideas you have through running your business said something or done something about their own which suggests it is what it is not and then when you apply the same to them because you are rather the one they have done it to they have revenge and the tit for tart goes on forever while they keep their lives safe to continue to ensure things vanish from yours to ends up there; it is some skill they teach themselves in their secrete societies and wonder when they come out into the open why Christians are not doing something about gangs, violence and extremism so they can grab more thereof and stay on top where they suppose they are meant to be. I am not of the opinion necessarily therefore that because my business is about selling books that I write, hat I should find a different way to run it other than what is clearly the workable and conventional way which I have here adopted; so they can own the entire world if they want and bring it here too so I can cut it up for them. Of course the abusive insults are designed to help them to my income with any contraption they call a product and a business which operates with a process of working everything sin that people consider to be a taboo to them on me and then show it off on public media to get publicity and get rich and if you ask them they will tell you they hate my guts so much and I have not done anything to earn that at all at this point yet as it stands already.

 Of course they claim I say such things in public then wonder why the media takes such massive advantage of me for it but I have made myself clear on their irresponsibility, media and sex and popular culture in all its stride and I did mention as well it is really important they leave me alone or the other choice has more to do with how I like the bets as well. I mean living in a country where the entire population is made up of people controlled by media and Political idiots that want to send you on errands and abuse you when you do not attend to it; for the whites they think they are invincible and we shall see and for the none whites they think racists have yet had enough fundamentalisms to advance their cause with at present. Last time it happened to such a destructive degree it was about when I dropped out of University and they passed their exams and clearly became the better off since then for I also did promise to wait for them at the jobs market as it were, this time it will get very personal indeed because I have no plans to get another stupid loan and will need to raise funds for my academic work. I see them covet that their stupid fame all the time as though it is the air they breathe but also completely certain that there is everything right about being insolent enough to climb up on mine on a daily basis as well. sometimes people want to know the length and width of these things but when a Christian is somebody people bully people he knows things that have not been said to the point where if somebody took a wee he would understand and so they work out what to do with people like such Christians as well and figure they can make them do everything so they never have to lift a finger bearing in mind no body will ever find out how they go about it and for the Politicians as well by the way, lets see how your prayers and personal life get along in our multicultural society is something people do because they are good people since those they do it to have no clue what they do it for. So the general idea for them is that I am weak and tired and having breathing difficulties at this point; this however is happening because I spend all my energy to send out the warnings, which once I had stopped doing will be time to plan what I want to do about fame and fortune industry instead of getting angry about being bullied and threatened as part of their profession, with irresponsibility used to spend all my income as I work for it everyday. This is not their lives and it is not their property and it is not how they do their own and they love to show themselves off as civilised people of course but are really the most insolent bastards ever to walk the earth; hence the main issue is still the fact it is not their fame. The part where they claim my livelihood is the reason for all their problems is something I never say much about because they know very few people are deceived about the fact a capitalist system involves companies that get most of their money through their shareholders which has nothing to do with me and just like their idea of economic recovery has more to do with making sure there are less jobs at the employment service than they are now and the jobs that are there belong to a certain group of white men so that anybody that wants to be inspired can be inspired whenever they want claiming that whether or not those jobs return will depend on whether those who have the beauties to inspire people are co-operating, they ruined it and I always say it is not hurting badly enough and that my book sales will be their doing too. So they can get the racists if they want like they love to threaten they will, they feel always that it is the way they think of it that it will happen to have played out as it were. When you do decide to do something about it, it can result in pure carnage as well as it were; we are looking at the things they have which are responsible for the things they do to abuse important people and therefore affect the lives and businesses of all those people who interact with them and allows extremists to get off and do whatever they like too, after which they complain about an economic crisis dealing with of which you have taken over the leadership too, in order to round them up like animals and beat them up left right and centre and all over all the time. So in the end I am aware that most of the things I say makes me breathless comes from royal quarters, it is simply important I face the finance issue and get the books done because finding somebody to settle down with is not a function of whether or not they can leave you some 20 thousand pounds lose change that will propel you to millions; you have to stand on your own two feet before hand.

They say of course that I claim racism does not exist and that it is the one problem about which I will get into serious problems but I have no idea how racism can be the thing that exists when none whites and their friends are here with the idea they are fundamentally better than I am over a job that I already have, in order to practice their nepotism and discrimination when I am the one that is more important than they are, which does not work of course provided they play around with media and wreck my finances with their insolent civil rights familiarity and social equality and the stupidities that work with those which they know perfectly if contact is made with anything I own by it, things here will be completely wrecked due to their low life status which is clearly not recognised by them, only the difficulty I have with finances due to claims of their insulting familiarities therefore. I mean if somebody is mad enough to shoot and kill me because I look a certain way, then he is mad indeed but these guys are something else entirely and there is no such thing as racism and with respect to what that means, when people are ready to plunge the depths of insolent discrimination they can tell me about it and we will have a go as well. So the idea that both sides have lost on the matter is utter rubbish as well as there is no such thing. What we have is them in my life like I said, not just the boundaries that separate their sacred untouchable lives from mine like daily affairs which we have to get involved with each other to perform and I want them out, no such thing as both sides and certainly will not stand from idiots who think jobs they use to look after their friends and families are things they should deploy to fight others with. The other issue has more to do with things they think they will keep up for the rest of my life i.e. when somebody has a TV show for example he does not want to see me pretend to be him while he is doing it, he does not want to see or hear me interrupt him while he is doing it and he does not want to see me do anything to interfere with anything while he is doing his TV show which is entirely normal but what he does think he should do with all his insolence is seek to have my job because he thinks that his own is not getting him enough attention, he should go to the market and take a look at the latest thing I have placed there for the customers to get on TV and make his ratings with, that he should be pretending to be me for as long as he needs it and so on and it is impossibly insulting and not quite anything that they will keep up for the rest of my life and climb social ladder and attain government positions in anyway. It continues to come up and comes up all of the time because there is a convincing sense that there is real possibility they can make it happen when it actual fact all of such possibility are made up on the same TV on which they do their stupid jobs; the rest are just their young people who think they have located somebody on whom they want to practice all the sins that others have considered to be taboo and it is the handling of my stuff which is how their own makes them money and mine does not comes about and it is the real problem – no such thing as rubbish they will keep up for the rest of my life and it is very testing too when they suggest it because I will certainly kill that stupid fame culture and kill it dead completely as well.

Its not a matter of things I have to see I do not go too far doing, such notions are a function of things some people think I need to do to regard their freedom as paramount which is utter rubbish because they handle my income and simply need to get off it – there is no freedom issues involved at all whatsoever. I say it in ways like the fact they have considered their Popular culture to be something that is deployed to create the Prince that never was for sometime now and so they cannot do anything unless that purpose for it is being fulfilled and to this I also thought about their popular culture corruptions and media corruptions and sexual corruptions as something on which I want to lay out a pipeline to make a living with, which will sound like I take up their lives and get a better deal from it but in actual fact this I would say because I need to be professional at my work and do not speak the same language they do. The way it really works is that once they are done with their own they speak to their managers and get mine as well, so they take from both sides and tell me when I want to shut down that Popular culture as it cannot exist along side my book business it is something that I cannot do because it is bigger than me and get funds from the Prince’s Trust. I am aware they get funds from the Prince’s Trust but that it never what it is about, what it is about is that society seems to be divided into two sides, one being their own which is full of the most insolently abusive misogynistic idiots imaginable who never have a reason for it and the other is not, they are so involved in my personal that it is possible for them to do fame and fortune to make sure there is a Prince that never is and which they end up at the other end handling my products and business to grab my income and not once a year we say here, several of them every single day more like. Hence the question: Does that culture really belong to everybody then and what is it exactly that will make it impossible for me to shut it down terminally?

I mean the part where they claim that what I am doing at present is punishment for damaging peoples culture and then being made to repair it thereof but in actual fact evidence that is untrue is that everybody can hear it in the air that I am homosexual, I sleep with peoples wives and I am a sex freak; in actual fact all three could not be farther from the truth but are used as a thing to get on media and change the minds of employers each time I try to find work in order to have power with and the reason such matters as repairing cultures I damaged being the function of my work is to ensure I sell none of it as well. So it clearly is rife and I need to state here obviously what they will loose when I take that up like I have everything else.

They said with their stupid abusive secrete societies that it was about how I go weak at the knees when I see them in their flash cars and flash properties and flash cloths and thereby want to do anything they ask when their friends are busy making sure I cannot get a regular job until I am sick in the head; now it is all about handling severely and badly and abusively my products and property and market place and company to make that happen and that is why it is such a major issue as well. Of course they like to claim I am an obstacle for those who fight for justice but I know I am not; they are the most insolent scum in the world and normally turn up to abuse and insult me over whom I am supposed to fight for and all those excuses for their distant pre fascism violence of discrimination and evil because they in my opinion are doing it to fulfil the will of the devil; I mean what do they hope to achieve from it anyway, the creation of some really evil culture or the empowerment of it? It is not my fault these things are happening in anyway that idea is always brought about by silly incompetent men who like to insult other people first and wonder what must be done about the consequences of doing so later. My sentiments about these guys is not half the way they make out it is and I have never gone about saying things about women which means they can do whatever they like for my part and that is why I want to update their civil rights according to what is fact as I always say we are not mates and they need to stay away from me, this will better explain me away than a process where I say anything about it and we are not talking about their insatiable desire for attention and bullying others, with respect to that they like to pretend they know me when they know nothing about how I feel about those who groom grown men, some with families and some still single, for sexual abuse or sex based abuse and then claim it is their culture and does me some form of good if they put words in my mouth of which nothing that comes out of it has ever done them any good either. So I wouldn’t like them to tempt me like that, I think realignment of their stupid civil rights in accordance with what is actually fact will explain me away better and that is where it stops for what my views are, before it leads to something else especially on grooming grown men for sexual abuse no matter their age and whether or not they have families with their stupid greed and corruption and of course there is never any real prospects of those stupid things they boast about happening either, its just the media and my favourite bit i.e. illegal handling of other peoples property and income  which is responsible for all the problems; a process where they do things n o body gets to see and a process where they get fame all in one place. I can only warn it, they need to leave me and anything that belongs to me well alone as the possibilities of anything they boast about or claim they have really has no means of existing and everybody can see that. I am not saying I am innocent in the matter; first it was my academic work, it had to wait once I had paid the fees and everything because when I loose something precious and become frustrated there is real chance that I may never recover and then it might wait forever, soon it moved from that to my business all together and I am broke and cannot move around and find a wife, while they have infidelity sex with a wife I have not yet married in order to marry the best women and protect them from me and it will end the day I am no longer broke because they exist, until then we share the wife. I mean how innocent in the matter I really am is the idea they deserve those women they marry and have sex with in order to fuck me as well because it is not enough with a big mouth – this is what how innocent I am in the matter is to be measured with. I mean they will claim they do these things in order to ensure these women are free to serve me but of course when I have mistresses their ability to protect me must be taken away by the pillaging of their personal lives an secretes shared with me in order to have sex with them and then finished, do it for me all over again and we have not even begun to talk about the cost of the intellectual property and global intellectual space pillaging either. We were supposed to start with the secrete service on this matter; where it should be clear that when people have a job they can only have one of those and so popular culture gets to behave or I kill it off. For the mistresses it is a matter we always describe as heads, hearts and tummies and I have no idea what they are doing in any of those three sections of women in my service, except I am to imagine I am being sodomised and if that is the case it will never make sense why they complain as well – I mean I have no protection anymore these days because of those media games where everything I say is a security secrete given away that can be used to attack those women until I am unprotected; now it is not necessarily going swimmingly either because I tend to pillage the cultural base of the capitalist business community in return for it but it is the audacity of their insolent attacks that is the real issue here and the fact they think it is funny. As for the Muslim ones especially, like their friends, clearly it seems that when women are crazy and mentally ill I must be breathless and it must be seen all over me on account they like money and sometimes basically because they exist and we are not hearing Jihad yet apparently either. Their lives are safe and secure somewhere to make money with while mine is a plaything for Wiley lives and flash behaviour and we will see as well. It is clearly always more convenient to marry other peoples women as it were – in this case I am inferior to them so I am being made to fix up women they want to marry and so it is impossible to do jobs and academic work too and is also funny therefore which is why it is such a problem, it is always the only alternative to staying off other peoples women for them, with a big mouth.

The idea what I say and do detracts from the main issues does not apply either; everybody knows what I say and do is not really me but a service for lower and middle classes and that is where I intend to sell my books and consummate my government work. With respect to which of course they know I have a royal estate and need to be successful but are always bringing that their stupid businesses and companies into it which I guess they do because they want it to disappear and it will eventually since it has no where else to go as it were. In the end the issues are still what they have ever been; they say they want to be successful but I am the one who has the product that is the most qualifying all rounder for the consumer but am penniless on account they exist, they say they know better uses by leaders who take control for what I own and I say its all very well but when there is War in Jerusalem because I wanted to travel there to gather facts for myself and write my books, they will along with their American friends and media feel me as well like they are at the moment and I think I need to manage that their stupid culture as well because it is a threat to my personal safety and well being.

I mean they say in Scotland for example that my views about the Independence process is insulting but that is because no body is looking at it from my point of view yet i.e. the reasons somebody thinks that there should be something as serious as a referendum in a Country is because he has established a new party that rolls on a platform of Political and financial convenience and so like the Labour party, when there are too many people in it as such they will not want the responsibilities anymore aka 40 persons in a party that promises wealth distribution and it will win elections when people flock to it but once it has up to 3 million members and the money cannot go around anymore, then of course it does not want to win elections anymore but because it also wants to maintain the right to be a party what we end up with is first of all the biggest deficit in the world and then followed with these colossal lies.

They say I am fundamentally opposed to the idea of any kind of wealth equality of course but find out what they do when they have any wealth and you will see people who give money to criminals who then get out of their criminal activities in order to take revenge on those who have supported the system of law that they claim persecuted them during the days when they were criminals and spend all their time creating arguments which suggests that criminals are criminals because they commit their crimes and present them like an art from on account they were forced to lash out against society by the injustice done against them, stories like how somebody stabs to death another person because local playgrounds are disused and there are no community activity to distract them etc. I mean if I kick a football to smash a persons window I know I can pay for it but he will make me feel like an idiot and that is the scary bit, if I know I have caused another person great despair I know I could be a happier person if the person was not so distressed on account of me, if I were a criminal and finally got into some money the government gave me the last thing that will cross my mind is how to punish those who supported the law while I was a criminal. So we can see their idea of what wealth distribution is and so I had made myself clear earlier too – their civil rights are not properly aligned with what is fact and needs to be since I am so wise and they are so stupid that whether or not things happen depends on my wisdom which takes them such a long time to understand, it will explain me away better than the idea that I exist to be overwhelmed with over-enslavement  and to this they always make out they will get on media to extricate the idea that since I am aware that the process of recruiting criminals to fill public offices in future for the country is to operate on a prognosis of how the criminals are good at minding my own business better than they do their own, which is why the rest of us as a country need to be scared of them but of course I have never seen what happens on the media determining what they get to do in terms of action and if that has been the case of which the whole thing needs to be allowed an extensive trial period as well before we classify it as something that is applicable to everybody; so we can see clearly what they mean my wealth and social equality, even when the economic system here which is a capitalist one offers them so many opportunities with the use of money. In the end they always make out that we are scared of them and need to be and I never did say dealing with them was a serious matter like they make out either; the fact of the matter is that the entire operation of that stupid cultural aspects of the communities of shareholders in the entire economy is sustained with my work and my property and my finances because they have access to my books – pleasurable things people suppose they can do with my intellectual space and literary empire of course and that money and property will be returned or I will kill it off. Some might say it is an impressive thing to say such things but for me it is not a difficult task because if you are the Queens Arch Prince, then technically you are a priest who also has the role of a chief of staff to play and so what exactly do you spend your time thinking about except the fact that they seem to be free to plunge the depths of degradation over Christianity in order to be rich while they suppose there is something threatening which prevents you from plunging the depths of whatever wickedness there is in order to find facts to lubricate your gospel with; so it is never a difficult task for me because they have a big mouth, my money and property will be returned or I will destroy it. In the end it is clearly the fun things that people think they can do with my Intellectual space and Literary empire while they keep their own stupid jobs safe to have money with obviously and in the case of the Scottish National party where respect is therefore sought of me as such it was a case of what people do not know about how government works in the country unless they are told or go to places where they can find out and of course the possibilities of a referendum therefore so why not? Like the Muslim ones that like to make out I will get into trouble for provoking them when in actual fact I have not done anything to them yet; these are supposed to be the set of idiots that handle my work to get rich and in such a way as ensures if I have an opinion about it I get hit really hard and then when I wonder why they behave in such ways I get hit even harder which will clear my head about what is really happening, especially when they show me what they are made of when they do it at a time when I think something will happen if my right to have a basic income is not respected and they are always bald idiots who get around with really stupid girls, so it is the younger ones that are now telling me I wind them up when I really want no stupid lectures or lessons from them about evil things people do because they are obsessed with money and it is the same with Africans and other European idiots as well and I have done nothing to them as it stands which explains why they are all over the place. They have forgotten all about it of course; the Obama Middle east tour, the Obama Africa Tour, the Obama Europe Tour etc, expectations built up after all that stuff about what sacrifice they want to do next for the new King of the world and others are selling arms as well and they are simply rather convinced that my own is the one they want to do.

Now finally is the issue of environmental destruction about which we have recently come across some of the most stupid things we have had to deal with such as claims people make that electric cars are not actually green because of the way that the electricity is created. I mean we will never know which they suppose we want anyway; the burning of fossil fuels to run both cars and the creation of electricity or to create electricity alone but even more stupid and annoying is the idea that the electric cars are not actually green. We will never know as such from this if it is the protesters or the Industrialists that think about the environment more but from my point of view they always make out they will take up my work and do it for their fame which is utter nonsense when I mention facts about how I withdraw equities I hold on grounds people destroy the environment with their business and the reason being that it is because they are not spending as much money as the industry requires for them to run that particular firm or company in the proper way hence they are happy to waste their resources and damage the environment because they are certain they will break even anyway, of which for those who take steps to damage the environment with how they dispose of their waste I always consider to be criminals outright because it is not possible to convince anybody that the disposal of toxic waste is an after thought for something to operates a business that involves one, that he throws it out on other peoples farms or wildlife havens etc. The problem with doing so of which is the usual fact that rich people don’t want to get around with them of which anybody can guess why and I don’t want to guess around with them either which is not surprise, so they know exactly what rich people will do if they pick my stuff and go off to bug them with it as such. I am not here talking about issues with respect to brokering equities with people and they work the equities in a knowledge of where I stand on environment matters bearing in mind no human being is really mad enough to consider brokering equities with a person while doing things that are not in their interest and of course how great expense to do research and create an electric car means that you have created something that is not green because of the way the electricity is created. I am not suggesting I am completely impervious to people handling my equities and doing things that are not in my interest at the same time but those are never the people who take the initiative to broker equities with me in the first place, bearing in mind that in the case of the environment for example being that the equities are concerned with how my business operates, doing so will do damage to my business which I must prevent and it is virtually impossible to conceive that a person will want to take that on and get past it to take on the general public, just so that they can use a venture to do damage to the environment. However those who do it always come from outside and we see them all the time; they refer to me as a cultural item of despise and so they will say things like if that cultural goon wants things from me this is how far I am prepared to go with it and so grab my temperamental colours especially because of their desire to get violent people on their side and set about doing things with it that it was never intended which create alternative markets that are based on the vandalism of my property business and book sales and that is the disposition they then need to get around using it to do the jobs which applies therefore that it is in my interest that they get the jobs done and the jobs are productive and knowing I will not stand for it are prepared to take that risk, get done with me and do the same with the general public before they then set out to damage the environment, so they are not ordinary people by the standards of ordinary people.

The issue of my dependency of state benefits is not one that is embarrassing to me, its just political idiots making many things out of it; technically whether or not I live all of my life on the benefit system it is not the business of any Politician, of course some will say we will definitely get you off our benefit system as well but I don’t mind. I mean when I send out my CV they are more concerned with contacting and advising employers on the guy that should never get a job so I always tend to get feedbacks which suggest that at my age I should have achieved more than is on my CV, it means nothing of course because the jobs I apply for are always the kind where people want people who have achieved little and just want a job by the way side, however the reasons they do that to me is because they want to abuse me into fighting for their children for some of them and for the others it is just abusive period i.e. a process of playing up what I am supposed to have been thinking about against me and how that works in the end is that when I get the maintenance money and decide what I want to spend it on to get me on my way to employment whatever I work for in that sense is taken by them which is what they pushed me out of academic work for in the first place, the conception in their minds that they are better than me and nothing else. It makes you wonder when they say what they say about oppression; if they were victims of it who at the same time seem to know so much about it then it is clear and easy to conceive that they are lazy idiots whose personal thoughts can be taken over by absolutely anything not to mention who groom grown ups with their distant pre-fascist insults for sex based abuse, then the part where they are just oppressors is where we have a problem with the fundamentalism of injustice they bandy about all the time all together; so it is an insolence thing and they need to get themselves off my book sales, just like the other claim I stifle their fame when in actual fact they have none i.e. they take a pound from my wallet because they can do and undo and find it funny, they even have their excuses that it is something they do because I have kept it for too long, I go into their shops and take a scone which I know is worth a pound and then when they do such a thing again maybe with 10 pounds and I needed to be at a job interview by 11 o clock while I am still fighting them for my ten pounds by 12.30 we have other collateral damage attached to it, they have no fame whatsoever and not around here either it is an insolence thing and they need to get off my book sales. So I repeat the part where living on benefits is none of their business bearing in mind that for those of them who are not of the category of Labour and other liberal piss idiots about whom the benefits issue will simply create some costs that they will pay before this of over in a financial, social and Political sense for of course I should be selling my books on the other hand but they have other ideas about that too, when you have a problem with their enemies or opposites the world simply becomes a very claustrophobic place for you indeed because they want balance of power and so I always say they are not yet on the knees to beg people for their mandate of course because they think they will sacrifice me to get out of that and that if so they will do it all of the time too successfully. I am not of the opinion I have done anything bad to deserve any of it per se, that is not why I fight it, the reason I do is that the way I am and my faith means they will never stop hurting me to extract perversions of the trappings of power but whilst I do all I do with moderation so we can live in a tolerant society they are the ones that promise to keep me on benefit for the rest of my life and then get angry at some point and take it away and I bet the cannot do it, just like I cannot acquire all the things I need to acquire to ensure I always win my battle of wills against the highest authorities in the UK. In the end most times I think about it and should it happen and the health issues that are a result of living on benefits and deploying maintenance money to work yourself into employment which they take and spend on themselves and abuse you to keep it going, it is the health that I will not have to live with the weather if I am homeless that will set the benchmark and what will kick it off will be whether or not they consider it to be funny as well as usual because that will mean more health issues. So I say again whether or not I live on benefits for the rest of my life, it is not the business of any Politician and of course it is always said that I am proving myself to be more and more untrustworthy but then again it is a matter of what is sensible to do to others since they do not believe in God we speak of sensible thereof and how they get big names like Politicians which are not the names their parents gave them each time they do it which does not work with me as such as well anyway. For now I will continue damage limitation issues i.e. make them choose all the time between setting out cultures by which to abuse me for perversions of power or go into the same office to do their jobs or combine both and fumble all the time so I can write blogs on my sites about it and I will keep the part where they are supposed to beg the tax payers for a mandate as something to look having a means of determining what happens with the damages their civil service idiots can do to me and around me with. With respect to the matter of parents and children and communities, I have made myself clear it is a matter of what they suppose in their best reason is something fitting to do to a human being and not doing the bad and wrong ones and seeking out big names like Politician which is not the name their parents gave them. I bet they cannot keep me on benefits and then one day get angry and take it away but if I said government was somebody else’s business as well and that they just went there to work, I would tell them many things and then I wouldn’t have any fun anymore, besides which is their media idiots all over the place as well so I need not say more on the fame thing they have got. The House of Commons seems to be the place to regain their confidence and I am going to take that away too. I do not see these fools half the way they have continued to make out I do; they spend all their time sleeping with young girls in the knowledge there will always be something to grab from younger people and their wives want to take the piss on everybody because they are important especially the American ones who think they are awesome bitches; nothing works that way. The general prognosis of all they do everybody can see is fear and of course my books are a service for the lower classes and not something that happens because I have been oppressed by them, I allow it because I want to have fun with those insolence too.

The part where I am said to be a royal with the heart of a liberal is just squatter party freaks who think they can squat their parties and lout lives on the careers of those they are confident they can beat up and so we will see as well. All that is happening here is access to my personal life which they have got and the sense that how I relate with my friends and family can therefore become public property to do politics with, so the only way that I would have not been a royal that combines liberalism to be royalty is if I was an evil man who is cruel to my friends and family and if I am not cruel to them as such these things will happen to stir conflict and risk their lives and so these things are classified by every culture as wickedness and we are not an exception in the UK – I want to find out how the way I relate with friends will have become new democracy for them and of course all my life I have wanted a means of making laws which say homosexuality and evil things people do over sex and money and fame is something that is a crime against the state and now they drop this on my lap I do not intend to loose it for my part either. There is no combination of royal office with liberal Politics going on here. So at present it has become a state of affairs that depends on how they do it and can only continue along with the insolent abuses until it becomes a clear set out crime against the state. Some may suggest this is a difficult thing to make happen along the lines of my methods which is to make arguments in favour of it and make it even more difficult to deal with but I have not made any arguments in favour of it in anyway, what I have done is institutionalise all the platform for arguments in favour and against it and so all the Politicians need to do is make the laws. I have set out a test case for my part i.e. can the celebrity culture elitism and its destruction and vandalism be controlled and governed and I think the answer I have supplied therefore is yes, even without public office for good measure, hence all there needs to be is the laws at the bottom line which decides whether it is harmful for it to exist or not. There are ways of being famous of course as it were and the one they have chosen is not it, I can only say they need to leave me alone, especially the black ones. I know it is suggested my actions are against their human rights of course but it is not because of course there is no celebrity culture elitism that is not actually based on grooming grown ups for sexual abuse or sex based abuse and it there makes normal people wonder why anybody would want to do such a thing and get up on National and Public media to keep it up, except the fact he knows or she knows that it will get to mean that it will have become impossible for you to protect younger children from him or from her and that is why they groom their children to be as insolent as they are along with the complicity over the community organised career piracy and destruction, which is one of those matters about which people say I keep my head over impossible circumstances but is rather easy to see. Then there is the other thing explained therefore about why I get so angry when people are asked to do things and another which is closely approximate becomes more important like they do on the economy all the time. From my experience even down to crimes and dramas at the law Courts, what people say, no matter how distracting has ever changed what we decide to do as human beings, so why does it change therefore over the business of state. We are not talking about the Labour party are we, those are so evil that they think it is a plausible argument that people are convicted with, to suggest that you make Christians homeless and jobless to force them to preach the gospel to gang members in order to covert them and change them from plans to carry out violent activities, they even say it will go down in their name and they will be reputable politicians for it and yet what the church thinks about that and what the gangs think about it do them absolutely no favours but they are completely convinced it is an argument that people consider to be fact. The part where my behaviour and business sends out the wrong message is another story entirely, since all I know is that I got a commission from the Queen and set out to get qualified for it which they have decided with their liberal piss career squatters vandalism should take 6 years so far because they are mad and that is that, except we want to talk about the fact if I got another job to add to that there will be incompetence all over the place.

The part where the UK fails to co-operate with the US over the extradition of Gary McKinnon is a different story entirely because extradition is used to force criminals that commit crimes in one country and run off to another, to face trial; hacking into a US computer from the UK is absolutely no crime at all so there are two issues one being that the UK government had saved the American tax payer a lot of money and the other being that if the Americans were determined to carry out a trial in which evidence suggests they will not win at great expense to their tax payer then it is about something else but justice and that is not what law courts are for or extradition treaties. I would have been completely powerless to do anything of course if the home secretary had decided to send him to the US but now that she has decided not to, we have to see people understand the facts and the issue does not run away by a different angle. It is much the same with the guy who leaked state secretes at Wiki leaks ; they say he committed treason but passed no secretes to his country’s enemies, so even though it be an error of judgement on his part, all he can really be tried for is a break of trust and a breach of the contract of his employment, hence with respect to treason on the other hand the only view that can stand up in court is that he thinks when he releases state secretes in his trust, that the apparatus of state will be overhauled and lots of complex issues changed but if that is the legitimate view of a junkie why is he in prison? Something else other than the justice of the trial is in play here again as if the US government is not aware that the defence lawyer will present before the Court specific and factual circumstances in which those secretes he divulged were released. So some complain I do not consider the actions of US officials to be a prime threat but of course I really don’t have to; I mean some people are completely convinced of a proximity between their personal lives and public office which really does not exist and the two cannot go along together either, so I bet my money on the public office. If people know they are unable to do anything about financial corruption but set out to sacrifice my books and finances, that is vanity that even their parents cannot afford and will not end very well too and it is no new story about their insolent civil rights and the things they do with it because they know where my books are, I mean they think when I say such things I am talking about their needs whereas I have had enough of them in the most intense way imaginable – hence there are people who serve the Government there of course but that is something people are supposed to know i.e. turn 18 and think about lobbyist and interest groups and by 25 they should be as far away from your life as possible; in my case I kept them out and the Labour party said they had to be in and told them I bet they couldn’t kick it off and they had a go. It’s basically all the same thing i.e. stupid fame and fortune career squatters liberal piss bastards.

Now with respect to thinking the media are friends of mine while they take advantage of me maliciously, I have always made it clear that the way it works is to listen to the news and then catch up on the nature of and the length and width of the insults that they bandy about when telling that news in the knowledge people are looking. They are excited people you see because they have got television jobs but the problem is that I as a person cannot breathe therefore because of it, not because I make it that way for myself but because they want to make it that way for me. So when somebody who is a bit close deploys my work and ends up with a bit of money for the weekend, I cannot sell my books because these guys are such intrusive bullies who want the world that the idea somebody has a person life in which he is close to somebody else that inspires him or her with certain matters of career in some way does not actually mean anything to them, it is simply a case of the fact if it makes money for somebody they deserve to have that money and well and that is how a process of earning a living became so impossibly difficult and you can never pray hard enough they don’t come up with that stuff where they talk of thing you promised because they will always figure out that it is what works all the time but by far the biggest problem is that first it is never enough and that idea then applies to anything I do to make a living and is therefore something to them about which conscience does not come into the matter and it drives me completely mad as well; so I always say media big mouth and bloody clowns as equally as I am determined that idea reporters are important people is about to be extinct because it is way too difficult to fix the problems when they create some whereas they have a life where there are many solutions to problems to be taken from and I need access to it in some way and that is why I have a policy of putting it out there and fixing the problems as such at their expense with no expenditure from me to do so and thus there is no point whatsoever getting angry about it – however the mode of operation on a daily basis for them seems to be plans to get connected with rich people based on winding me up to extract the energy to do so i.e. their career is wind me up damage my work to make news that makes money purposefully because it is what works and then use the reaction created as a result of such irresponsible fun gained from it to get connected with the rich and to have the best lives and this of course is their definition of being successful and I will not stand for it as well, so the media is no longer for me the place to look flash when you have some money to spend, staying away from me and all I own has to be the best option.; like media scum (it brings us back to one of the oldest issues on the matter of course i.e. new democracy with the use of my personal life – stupid bastards). Its slipping up as such of course the thing about how difficult it must be for the idiots to impress their friends in this country especially with my property; I always say bloody clowns because each time I say things as such people rarely take me seriously because it is so ridiculous. Of course I am aware that most of these destruction is sanctioned by Politicians and there is nothing in my view which indicates that it should not be; the incredibly incompetent politicians of course – they always want you to leave all you have worked for to them to shine with in public but first destroy everything else that serves a back up because they have taken it, in order to ensure you cannot muster any strength to hunt them down and recover it when they take it, tiny minds in very big idiots until you get to a place where you tell them to come and get  it  if they have got it and they get into a habit of getting away with waking up to destroy your livelihood by spending your time to cause delays that enable them access to the finances which they think produces a look on your face that is funny as well and ask you if you are aware of what they can get up to for they are politicians, so you can ask them if that is the name their parents gave them which therefore means everybody is as confused as they are. I am not of the opinion it happens for circumstantial reasons, it happens entirely because you are being targeted for it, you have to prepare for a time when they tell you it is impossible to get a job because everything works according to their will and then you can do your worst as well because time soon runs out on what plans you have to prepare a retirement from the work force. People like Obama for example think they are invincible and that these kinds of vandalism are really funny and the actions I take to correspond of course does clearly show how funny they are as well. So I am aware these games they play with my earnings I serious and I am only prepared to play the same games as well and that is why I need to sit it out; what the main problem has therefore become is that they want to ensure I cannot play that same game too and so when I acquire means of doing it to them as well I have to acquire means of protecting my means of doing it to them as well and if they bring an entire country into the matter we will simply rip it to pieces as well, so it is better they stick to the current things they feel like they want to gamble at present; I mean they shouldn’t let me scare them with the idea it is a bad idea to mock around with the earnings of an Arch Prince that writes books from work finished with respect to looking into the problem of criminal communities and black markets – after all they lie lot and have revenge boys and girls that will play a part involving how they believe their own lies. It will change nothing however about spending my funds to create me cash flow crisis and unemployment in order to prepare to be in a place that is connected enough to provide access to my book sales while making sure I am unemployed and how they work it with a I am flash and beautiful and having the time of my life talk to the hand attitude, we are grown ups and I intend to handle what belongs to them in the same way as well. The first was the bit where they had decided that unless they are certain they have a footing in every industry I might want to be trained in, I will never be allowed to get a job to fund my fees and thereby get an education but that was for the British, now the one where I am only free to sell my books if they are linked to those who are responsible for keeping the stock and can therefore handle it whenever they want to play a talk to the hand attitude with me is for the Americans, so I know I am being taken advantage of by the media, it is just not true that I make out they are my friends as well. I mean it would have taken longer if I did not have enough to go round and fought hard to ensure it didn’t, so it took four years for my fathers to round me up like an animal in every industry I might be trained in before I am allowed to do University, now it’s the American ones with respect to my books and my income and well and each always have to story to tell about a stupid godless culture that they can present to no body as evidence. Clearly if I didn’t comply I would have been asked by them to leave their country but since I did because they made it up on  media I can stay in their country but have to do as they want. They are always talking about problems but never the ones that exists in their own side of society of course, only the ones in other peoples own and of course now that their wealth distribution means they have more money than those it is supposed to apply against I have no idea how they will do it anymore. The part where they claim that I complain of people wrecking my work and pointing to cultures they have no evidence exists as the reason but I also do the same with my faith, the idea they want to pick arguments with me and latch onto my responses to build secrete societies where they plan to keep wealth other people work for, for themselves aside, the fact is that there was a time that the bane of everything they want to appropriate was my faith and now that they think they have detached the faith from the property, they also believe they can acquire it and so the reason they attack me all the time thereafter seemed to have been that I look at them and behave with them in suggestive ways towards a faith that they do not want to believe in and do not want to be part of, which is something they brought upon themselves and has nothing to do with me except the part where they had to get involved with the faith to reach the earnings and personal life which means that there was a time they believed and therefore at this point claim they do not believe they believe they do not and therefore still believe anyway.

When they suggest I oppose an equal pay for women deal I have no idea what it means when that is entirely the decision of the employer; however I do not believe that when a certain group of people opt out of their social responsibilities in a bet to find out if they will suffer any direct consequences when things go wrong, it does not apply that giving them equal pay as the other side will ensure that their productivity in general has been updated. However when women speak of equal pay what they always say is that one person cannot do the same level work as another for lesser pay and I fundamentally agree with that. Is it any of my business then but of course it is because I am supposed to deal with the difficult part of their social responsibilities while they and their children enjoy life and then they can stifle the book sales whenever I try to get my products out there as well for the pleasures of female treachery which is highly rewarded irresponsibility – so once I get past this and have to employ, I cannot see myself giving out an equal pay when I still have to look into the matter fundamentally in general in order to run a business.

Above everything else, they like to find out things about my relationship with my working Court, they say there is nothing to it but sex but in actual fact the approach is all together intensely abusive and the level of disregard and intrusive insolence by which it operates is astounding, never the less it applies that because they have got these insults and advertisements, it means that whilst they know that the more sexual advances they push on those women is the more time they will spend with me so I can do them as well all the way to local communities where women can never be mentally ill because if they are I must never breathe but unlike the Muslims and their claims of infidels who must sort of infidel issues with a big mouth, this is due to the fact they are fanatics of media scum. So it applies that they believe children should grow into pornography and popular culture corruptions and media corruptions while I believe Children should be protected from all those things but when we live our lives they take from it with that stupid media and those stupid adverts and those stupid insults, whatever convinces them they can take anything from any world they want anyway. Then there are the Politicians as well whom within all these matters of pornography and media corruptions and popular culture corruptions, are matters of international and political finance based corruption that can be exported to any country they want, which the women who report news do well along with my work as an interest that we share while they the Politicians fumble all the time and pass around those unfathomable insults for their part for it as well; so here any normal person would see I have had enough of intrusions by which my Court gets reviewed while they make controversial news and get famous and the next question will lead to an issue to resolve it. As for the part where I hug the fame thing on the left which will lead to serious problems, there will be no such thing; there is no reason I should spend my time sharing power and income and property with antichrist scum from God knows where, they always think they can barge into peoples lives when they want and split it into two areas of the conservative that is concerned with idealistic things while they handle the fame liberal and financial side and this fame liberal and financial side is mine not their own and nothing will happen whatsoever because I hug it. I am not one that believes in the idea they have the right to their own lives when they start like that either and I will never give that back too, the society and the community and the popular culture, they can come around and get that too if they wish. I think I have done all there is to be done on the matter i.e. made it attractive for them to be rich and famous on the right hand side of society to which they are supposed to say no thank you very much and move on but they have rather taken it up and its not clear therefore why they are complaining either, they are not getting any of that stupid fame on the left, it is my fame and it is my life and nothing will happen no matter how much they fantasise it. it does appear that the main problem seems to be that whenever people deal with that matter they do so on only one side, so they can keep their lives somewhere and live in mine the part where the money is and then ensure things regularly vanish from my life and end up in theirs which is out of sight and accountable to none and is well protected with a big mouth. I don’t want to know that they exist – it is the best way to be free of me, its mine all of it and when I consummate it that will be obvious and they will have nothing to worry about with respect to their wickedness and greed being stimulated but if the games over my privacy therefore continues the prospects of that does not exist and there is therefore nothing to worry about necessarily, they do need to ensure I do not have to know they exist over absolutely everyone of my affairs and that I only do so when I choose to know they exist and they will be fine other wise there is need for them to fuck off as I do not see them address their Politicians the way they address me. Of course there is the matter of their culture as well and I intend that that wickedness will not harm me or any of my people in anyway and that there is a way I need to tie it up as well to see that it is so. As for my swear words, I wonder if people do suppose they can use those these days while I use them as it were, except of course unless they are proper Plebs. They are fond of it in this country; the church is the centre of prejudice or a moral person must be attacked sustainably while they get democracy from it – general ideas being that women will end up braving with you for it as it were while they think swear words are the main deal. It’s that their stuff you see, where they see grown men and get off to groom them for sexual and sex based abuse; groom, groom, groom every blessed day. Then there is the part where their laziness really shines through and there are always things therefore that I must do as displayed on the media and the most famous of them being racism, example in this case the match between England and Serbia in 2012, where what we had was an international match with all its prestige and everything but somebody had to bring their racism into it by which we ended up with all these lies about how somebody was ‘unsportsmanlike and vulgar’, these idiots that have ideas about things I am supposed to do on the other hand of which are exactly the same thing i.e. you walk past boys that do gangs and crime and drugs on the streets and they pretend you do not exist but have a conversation of useful purpose with a civil service nutcase to come off completely traumatised and to wonder which should have been a traumatic experience of the two and it goes on like that until a Political scum they have elected has the effrontery to damage your business in order to relatively have more money and wait for others who want to join him in the camp that has money to do so, thereby having the gut thereafter to turn up in your face to punish you for something you have done which is offensive because he is more important than you are, so you can have enough and tell the idiots to kill off the story of being more important than you are otherwise you will kill it for them, bearing in mind they are so important they created the biggest deficit in the developed world and we are not yet talking about the fact there are the big corporations and then the medium size business and then the small businesses and then the shareholders and then the communities of shareholders and then the cultural side of the community of shareholders which is where they actually hold any kind of relevance in order to be more important than I am because they have more money than I do with that insolent familiarity destruction big mouth. What I have done so far is perform a process of administration therefore for my government business and I expect businesses to follow suit as well at some point and it is these fools that are the biggest hold back to that at the moment, who therefore happen to have been more important than I am; they have not even done any administration for the National economy bearing in mind they are the ones that have been elected and it is even more difficult for businesses to do some for their enterprises therefore bearing in mind they do not need to wait for go bankrupt and call in their administrators since the entire economy at this point is bankrupt. Typical example of a lack of respect for elected authority they will call it, for me I have never seen anybody go by the name of elected authority and they can come and stand here to wreck my business and show off their public funds salaries as a sign they are more important than I am or go into an office to get on with it, especially so because they will take up my work and use it to do their own as well which is not a new story by the way; bloody insolent bastards. And of course they claim they are trying to do the same things to me I did to community people who set out to play football on my office and do community power on my office because I may be whatever but if I don’t try to lead them I will not get into trouble, which is an issue that had to be settled and I have shown that it can be without public office too. They seem to be completely convinced that wrecking peoples business and showing off that dirt big mouth like so is always possible as it were and it is not that cheap, they will pay for it, its just the part where they kill off the insult of being more important than I am at this stage or I will kill it off for them. Eventually the watershed is always the idea that I never do anything especially with respect to businesses with whom I broker equities, when I am asked to or at the right time in which I ought to do them; one false observation of this and you will miss the brief point where responsibilities falls on your shoulders or orders come in for you to do a particular thing and a media idiot learns of it and uses a process of pushing you around while you do to make advertisement and create irresponsible enjoyment of life for stupid boys and girls thereof, much the same with the issue of how much they are paid for those adverts and what drives them mad to handle my work and property the way they do which they think is their own irresponsible enjoyment of liberal life for their part as well. It is an example of the really serious administrative problems we have to deal with because of somebody is certain that he can get away with some low level advert that exists to pillage and abuse another persons livelihood and creates thus just about enough profit for the next business cycle for the company that paid him or her, then it will be better to waste because he or she is certain that breaking even is something that will always happen. The idea I brought these things on myself by handling their culture does not scare me like they make up ideas it does; at best it is a culture I am supposed to have damaged which while they damage my business in revenge have no physical evidence to prove that and at worst it is a very godless wicked blood thirsty rubbish they toss at me as reasons I should work for an income and leave it for them which I will tie up in such ways as will ensure it is no longer a threat to my safety and wellbeing yet but for now the Politicians can turn up here and be more important than I am or go into an office and bloody get on with it. as for the things I do which tends to affect the culture side of things, it is about always being sent on errands by my fathers and mothers and their stupid children which is then applied with violence all the time so that I can never tolerate or fail to think about the work they have ordered me to do for them, which is always so intense I cannot study and is used by every scum in the land because all of them want to do it, to keep me cash strapped and unemployed and so I do what I have done to them because they are not working hard enough. I have done nothing to them yet bearing in mind if we were to imagine all those things are things I am meant to keep a diary in order to manage, how much paper in the world I would need for that kind of a diary but it is actually happening and no body knows which part of my life I dedicate to managing it and what is left for jobs and academic work etc but each time I pull it up the abuses of their educated idiots wants to occupy that space as well; hence we shake the culture and loose it: now that I have completely destroyed it there isn’t enough paper in the world for them to keep a diary for how they deal with issues on route to recovering it and if they are engaged in recovering it what time they have left for jobs and employment etc, so they have in order to dominate me run off to become educated idiots with job prospects which is good too. For no matter how much money the insolent lazy bastards want that culture never gets deployed for anything important. I personally have never seen people get into a habit of destroying another persons livelihood consistently claiming it is to find out what he can do to harm them; it is the evil devil worshippers persecution excuse and that society that does not believe in God is another thing they have lost as well not to mention the fact they will pay for the damage they have done here and one way of doing that violently is turning up to be more important than I am rather than go into an office to get on with the fucking job since last they took office wherever or got elected. As I mentioned they claim one look at my face and everybody can see I am working out 24/7 how to get them caught up in a religion they do not want to be a part of but at some point they believed the faith existed when it was important for me to be homeless so they can extract perversions of power, when it was important to have a problem with the religion and get after the job and income and now what they seem to say is that they believe they do not believe so they believe anyway – they even say the damage had been done by an entire political party and I suppose it means everybody will have to sit it out for me too. Its the old story of how you work hard and set up a business which people destroy for you and you get so angry thereof that you seek revenge; it starts of with corruptions of people, civil rights, social equality and sharing now they do not believe in a God others are imposing them but I am talking about the livelihood that now lies in tatters and how they will get it back into shape whether they like it or not; hence the destruction I wreak on any who messes around with the equities and securities of the company. So its not all done and dusted as such, I am not a novice its just that it is way too difficult to try and run a business while chasing these high level vandals for the destruction they can wreak on it, so you simply put it out there and make it vulnerable and set out a means of making them pay for all the damages because if you do both separately racists will pick up on the fact you are overworked as a fundamental means of existence. Of course they say they want to get out but I don’t see how when they could always have done that a decade ago when they could see that if they did I would find work easily, its too late now; its over 7 years of a company’s business history and we cannot just do as we like and get out when we want like that. Of course they say it is the fundamental problem with social equality where I never recognise that the Labour party has rich people and successful people for example, whereas what I did say is that they are no body and love to insult me to get rich with my income all the time because they occupy the cultural side of the community shareholders build for themselves and I will lay it to waste if my property and earnings are not returned by them; so they know where my books are of course and I have no idea what that is supposed to mean too. Its not a respect thing as such, its a matter of how being financially successful creates a problem in the sense that the fathers think that you will use the money to dominate and rule them, of which no body understands why on earth a Christian will want to use money to dominate and rule his fathers like they claim to be anyway. I tried to answer these issues sometime ago by moving away from them but that they claimed simply created a rival father with his own community that will come back to bite them in the backside sometime in the future and this is how it is said black people are always poor so we can depend on the white man and create racism and they can do for as long as they want and stop or get out of it when they wish. They say they want their secrete societies and I am aware of that but I cannot give them secrete societies because it is against the laws of God, nor can I work with a process where they have it if they previously didn’t because it is against the will of God and why would anybody want a Christian to be party to the restoration of their secrete societies and even claims he chases it like he does because it is a personal desire? This is the reason I have a personal problem with it and never want to see or hear of it; clearly now they do not believe in God as though I tend to have asked them about it. They always claim their secrete society powers will eventually kill me the angrier and frustrated they get which is utter rubbish too because we are really looking at a process where people cannot let me breathe with lies and accusations meant to wind me up all the time until crazy women in the local communities feel that if they exchange my personal life with theirs due to the access that is possible by those very public abusive insults, there is a chance I will have sex with them when the whole thing leave me with nothing but pure agony; of course they claim it happens because I set out my emotions for people to play around with whereas that is entirely made up by them too.


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