This is a topic that has been raised by socialists when they ruin our lives and then set out to fix it for us as well to make even more money doing so; their usual blackmail of course is that of those who belong in the races that are foreign fixing the problems of society and culture and integration which they are responsible for creating but when they are campaigning for elections the sectarianism is mentioned less and somebody else’s fundamentalisms is used to unite people under a multicultural banner, thereafter which the assumption of government office is operated along the lines of totaling the people and naming the act of doing so consultation. Where I stand on the matter has to do with the way I do not interfere with their culture but they interfere with my business to ruin me and keep me ruined until their culture has power over me that can be violent which I cannot control; this no body ever hears them mention of course, they want to pretend they dominate me and like to talk rubbish in my direction that their Politicians have voiced along the lines of acting like they are my parents, knowing perfectly that they are stupid and that is therefore something I do – behave towards them like their parents do because it is the only means by which it gets to their minds the wrong they do whenever they do them. In the end greed with no concept that money is something that is paid in return for work is what is on the line here nothing else especially not idiots telling me where I am supposed to be or even when and so of course when they do and I get hold of that stupid society again it will be even more destructive than what I did the first time.


This part of far eastern connection has something to do with the US and the Far eastern games of intellectual vandalism that get rich quick very insolent and incredibly stubborn fame freaks destroy  peoples property with, using those stupid vandals that gets rich from it in order to brag; this part of celebrity culture of which is however under control, what is not yet is the financial system and the process of playing games with me over which is the stronger economic power; America or Japan or Germany etc and for each game followed with stubbornness using and destroying my work and the British economy to get rich, they end up with money think it is funny and even express it through adverts when that was my turf. So it is still a matter of their collaboration with evils of society, Political and financial pedophilia because the physical one is illegal-ripping peoples economy, offices and property to pieces, then moving onto peoples earnings, Trade and violence, used to attack peoples health and to award their community croons powers and this must be settled as well.


To ensure the IMF is effective then those that place money in it must work to stream line their funds towards their various economic competitiveness, which should also bring about the much sought after economic accountability from the Politicians. For my part I believe I have been very clear about what socialists mean when they mention that stupid thing they call responsible capitalism. It always appears to them that I must quake on my feet because they attended school and got qualifications for a change in their stupid lives, when in actual fact I have all my life been given the impression that the purpose of their existence is to sit up somewhere and wait for others to work for it, then turn out to share or else with a big mouth. When I mention something of the nature of the fact that Modernisation will kill of the ideology or they will force people to kill it off physically for them, it never seems to appear in clear light what I am talking about. What I am referring to therefore is the simple fact that a world that is getting more and more and more modern, where people can set up businesses on the internet is likely to help a socialist cause where idiots sit around doing nothing with themselves in expectation somebody will establish a business so that they can share or else and of course when their Politicians have begun to mention responsible capitalism after all those years I have to stay awake all night to work hard and make a business productive, it makes me wonder how many questions they have answered recently. Maybe what will happen is that the media ones will hurt people and cover everybody’s tracks and they will continue to be powerful, I would not know but doing so actually does really help. I mean nothing about the problems of their own society or culture or parties or ideologies is a major concern to them, when they want they can simply decide that the socialist platform should become the platform for responsible capitalism. 


Arch Prince I. Uno

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.