Now we hear that I am stuck in a situation I will never get out of until people are respected, and it is so annoying I can show some people areas of hell where they will be pacified as well. I mean these goons have rather become quite convinced that I will never act when they tear up my property by behaving towards it in an abusive way thus leaving me to deal with difficult financial situations, so they are building up more fringe benefit self-improvements that says I will be free when they are pacified; I mean, we are adults and when you smash somebody's window playing football, you do not talk back if they get all over the place – this is a behaviour we see their foolish Politicians and Media and Celebrities exhibit all of the time. They ask why we have these problems and I do not suppose it is likely because of the number of times that a girl who wants to wear that designer pants and bra in a picture has described me as an idiot and herself as the main thing while an album of me being abused by her body language is splashed out on by a cameraman and remains in the public realm forever. We hear time and again that my attitude is really bad but if I did not allow it happen deliberately, I would be asking myself how it came to this point all together and then the fact that it is the unnecessary process of media involvement with neighbourhood scum that are keeping an eye on me after their relationship with abusive public transport operatives ended poorly over my case would become so important; speaking of how important it is of which their families are unaware the fact daddy has a media job means he wants to play practical jokes with my Book sales and discuss my attitude every day to look like an insultingly abusive thick skinned media idiot that I have rather gotten used to myself and they were never out of pocket if they stopped it either, so the big mouth is speaking of me being stuck somewhere when I am not and how I will get out of it only if they are pacified too; as I mentioned, it has become quite convinced I will be completely unable to act when I have agreed it can discuss away any attitude it wants and it has decided that each time it discusses my attitude my Book sales should be affected and I will never going to persecute some celebrities over this matter myself all together but for now, it does need to watch its mouth before its inability to reason with being told it is not having it’s fun in a condition whereby somebody else at whose expense the fun exists is allowed to pay his Bills becomes a case of putting to the test what it is exactly they have assumed prevents me from getting into a fight with them all together. They do speak of their children turning to racism and it’s an old story where it’s a matter of what has been communicated to the racists as well and their behaviour will create somebody that has developed his own statements that looks a tad bit like extremism too. It is completely unnecessary; I mean I do not have a problem with the culture and society bits which worse case is public transport goons claiming they are untouchable while they spear head the violent bits of criminal communities that are good at stealing equities hence the sicking processes that involves having to respond to them and the one problem of where they are likely to turn up, right up to the point where they go from giving people a reason for hurting the bottoms to giving people a closure for it too and then it will turn out they were touchable all along, which we see time and time and time again all over the place and the reasons they like to think that when their insults and sexual context violation is tolerated it appears that is what their rights have become. So those who want to discuss my attitude can discuss away when it continues to affect my Books, it will be like those times when I have said nobody is really born gay and that would be a good start as well. They speak of tensions at the Monarchy which is utter nonsense; the truth is that HM is leader of the Church as well and since the Head of State is Human somebody is in charge of curetting the start and end of every Royal engagement; their problem of course is that they sit around their conceited and insulting existence making a thing of trouble out of themselves with every public engagement and National party, so they have now reached a point where the general assumption is that I play these games of negating Royal responsibilities to hurt those bottoms of theirs when they pass those insults and make certain types of friends for it because I am sitting down somewhere thinking the buck stops elsewhere.; the trouble with me being that I am so uncatchable first of all and of course I have got all the energy in the world being just aged 37 – so those insults are probably the reason, especially the ones blasted around when they make use of my public image and my work as though it was their share in this world to live on it, even when trapped such that having been they have no real access and cannot peddle my personal life and public image for any reason whatsoever, it is being tested how far their big mouths go mostly too since even if somebody paid their school fees they do not have the stomach for it anymore and it’s not the first instance either – the first was when it would only dress well and attend school if I were a hate figure and then the rest were ambient mostly after that until this major bits with celebrities involved came along thereof; now they will be pacified or I will never be out of a predicament, complete with features like working out what the role of idiots with media jobs in the matter is supposed to have been all together as well. They always excuse their activities by those claims I am a coward which does not apply since this is largely a matter of those community wickedness and its atmosphere and the fact when they have it, life will be all about torment specialists making out their men are useless as they do not think about chasing up and abusing and attacking young people with equity in their lives to give up like Public transportation scum do for most of the time and then it will mean that one will be fighting for one’s life everyday but if they do not have it, then the Media goons will get involved with the fact that they do not and one will be punished forever – so I am sure they are not taking seriously the assumption that I might want to do something violent that will make them better off. The Politicians are the special items in the matter altogether; when they have gone from setting me out time and again as a character which when stabbed or shot will have some Public image and equity left behind that is not owned by anybody, they will progress then to telling me I must get into a fight that will ensure politicians feel as though somebody is taking care of social issues, which of course I did technically but the one they do not want when their stupid House of Common shop floor vanities and abuses is the one that prevents these goons having an altercation with next door neighbour which ends with an involved with Politicians, they want the one where the situation got worse the more I got bloodied while they found a way of solving it by populism for themselves, hence Politicians and I am terribly impressed. I hear most of my problems are created by Muslims and so am I aware that it is too; an old story of playing their cards to be on the side of American and the people that matter in Britain while doing what they please to sort out their pain with those that do not such as myself – obviously proving to be really stupid indeed too, like when we see their Tyrants claim if anything happens to them the Middle East will burn and if people shake them up it burns in deed like the Middle East Men have really got it. So I do get told there is a lot of Global instability in what I have said, bearing in mind they always want to take sides with Russia every time they are off to something like that but there is no Global instability to be worried about, I can read them loud and clear for my part too i.e. the next stage set for their terrorism will involve the Media and Celebrity types and it vindicates me as well when I am very angry about the fact every time a terrorist atrocity has taken place, we find the Media and Politicians show up on the scene to preserve themselves doing beauty parades which indicates they know that those who are getting killed do not have the money for a gun, only a music concert where a celebrity entertains them while they get hated – they know that the terrorists are coming from their well off enemy neighbourhoods because it’s the only place that is providing the funding for it. So where they say I should be afraid of global instability was another story all together; we know they have taken the Trump Administration and made it into something it is not because they think that doing so will allow them do what they please with those they can dominate; we cannot hear what the Trump Administration is saying any more and the Trump Administration is not allowed to say anything anymore by them and their Media but it does not change the fact it is all in the ethnic minority greed and their global enterprise and the way it works, like we have seen them set themselves up for the future from the Cities of the US to chaos for others in China, across Europe and Japan and so the Trump Administration spoke of where the White Race fit into it, just as Obama set people up so whenever they want to talk about their problems they can have such persons who have a life they can refer to hope, hopping I will die and therefore stop interfering whenever they want to use it, followed quickly by being set up on media so they can complain their problems into the persons personal life while his finances are stifled, which is where they say I am paying for something I did, which I did and it involved a process of tying them down at the equity hunting bits, so that when they realised that they will not be getting it off me and decided to return to their lives it would be too late and then they will have to live up to those stupid threats; it was no less than their Politicians did, spending tax payer funds on them to prove the devil is powerful and spending some to rip up my finances while they built up their savings and confidence. I have made myself clear as well about not being a fan of the fact 6pm every day and we find the equity stealing scum who hurt my bottoms all the time and issue threats like it is unlikely to develop to an outcome where I want a closure if they are done with the explanations, 6pm every day and the headlamps have come up and the prevalent atmosphere is that the evils of the day have been done; an example of my position is that we find a Fashion Model with an Airbrushed picture featuring her wearing a bra that was built on my equities will get into trouble if we get along with each other, whether or not we do of which is none of their business and it is basically the same example all round, and we all know they have never signed a contract with me to deploy my equity and public image for anything in the first place and that I am facing the threats because it is predatory behaviour. It’s the processes you see, their way of getting around the world is savage and violent and abusive – take for instance a Middle East Government that is a fan of what am doing picked up bits of my work as support system to build an amusement park, what will happen after will be that I got cut off from my equities after having my finances savaged and my public image destroyed by idiots who want to be the centre of attention and so when it does come to that manly nonsense that involves ripping up people’s lives because they are so successful they have earned the right to discipline others and those who fight back but have not got a job as good as their own are in a position that feels as though they are picking a fight with women, it does come to a question of whether they have penises that I have not got as well. The Celebrity ones I will be persecuting soon like to appear in public as though I have to prove myself to them which of course I do not considering it is a half priests office but that said, lest it becomes an excuse, I must say the main point is that I do not have to prove anything to them to look like I need to get rid of the impression that I think I am Royalty but have never been there and that is an end to it; generally when it gets serious it becomes a case of whether they want to discuss my attitude and doing so has affected my finances and I have started my own campaigns too concerning the fact nobody is actually born homosexual. So eventually we hear them claim I am doing the bidding of the Politicians anyway, which I am not; they are talking about goons who need me to suffer financial setbacks over some 9 years while they spend money on local community witchdoctor characters, the outcome being that I have less money and they have more and that means the devil is power and they do have the witchdoctors who have power to make people poor or rich, knowing well it will lead to neighbourhoods where people fight for their lives with gangs – it really feeds into those things I do with self-delusion to try and make a public case about who is more insane of the two when compared between me and them like we hear them claim all the time; now we see they cannot spend time on their jobs anymore because talking wealth distribution and persecuting me is better since these witchdoctors have been following them around the way I was made to drop out of University for it too, hence they want to be professional Politicians but for reasons of setting up warehouses that they have no time to work on but intend is to make them rich on account they show their faces at Government buildings. They always tell me when I say such things, that it is not wise to antagonise them but we all know if I were it would have been an office space fiasco of why their own is a dog and mine is meat every day, whereby peoples rascal children that got elected the other time blabbing insults at me is no longer overlooked as a form of civil rights they have got which only purpose is to liberalism gloat over my personality and fantasise me doing something violent to look after culture daddies as insultingly as possible as the time. What winds them up the claim I am always getting after power matters is of course the fact that my Books are not their property and if they want to have opinions about it, it will have to get sold first and so they always have to say that doing so will allow me make money which is the escape route I have got for all the bad things I have done i.e. the question of their need to see what I am going to do while I sit somewhere and wait for a Christian that is persecuted to a stage where others can pick up phones and ring their friends to keep him out of work and wait for him at street corners for anal sex has now produced an outcome where they clearly have such power to make me poor or make me rich, that they are now stuck between a rock and a hard case themselves. The point is that these are goons who have not recruited themselves into the work force properly and are always pillaging my finances to create a sense that I am wrong, they have not recruited themselves into industry by any legitimate means, save claim they control majority population first of all and they are the ones who have all the money at market and have set up Warehouses that will make them rich when they show their faces in government buildings but the part that takes the prize is that they have got salaries that really gets to their heads just like the Media goons. So, I have not been antagonising them in anyway whatsoever. So they do claim I am digging myself into a hole that keeps getting bigger and bigger which is utter nonsense; what is happening is that I dropped out of University in 2008 and the intensity of their practical jokes around my income only intensified by 2018 and it keeps making those stupid statements that suggest when Liberal scum insult others it makes what they are saying correct which facilitates their need to familiarise with people they think they can bully to extricate self-worth all the time and when this nonsense and its popular culture had paid the bills around here and all had settled to set a stage where they understood very clearly that what happens with my academics and finances is none of their business it will be over a problem that simply will not go away. They do say that I also think that passing insults at others makes me correct, which is utter nonsense; none of these things have anything to do with me and therefore none should cause me to go through a week of financial complications let alone a decade and a half – it’s the way these fools live, something to do with chasing deviance until they are stuck with it and then what happens to other people’s academics will be decided by media so they might feel safe and secure and it will be a favour because they could have caused death and made it worse but still the outcome will be that they were brave to face life and others were not, after every mess is cleared out it will talk into me violently as well which is why the corruption of involvement is so important; crunch time of course is when Private security Industry people have always kept an eye on people with interesting characters or people who are just something to see because what people see on CCTV or while they man the doors of an establishment does stick to their minds if it really matters, so everybody knows that if they did get an opportunity to chase a person’s bottom and wreck people’s lives and make people feel flustered all the time, they would take it; what I am therefore now trying to find is the part these media and political scum are playing in the matter as per with respect to me and why they need it like a drug, why it is so intense and what I have to do to end the suffering their stupidities are causing me – much the same as every fool who has an opinion of what I say of women and famous people after Celebrities set themselves up to squander all I have need put their opinions on a billboard and sign their name to it like I do mine, not pass insults at me if they do not wish to end up with an enemy as well. It’s like the film equity assets; it is brokered and the films are made and people are able to carry on even though they are surrounded by criminal activity; some scum talking nonsense about kids doing violence for the daddies then makes their own film to give me my run and give the criminals their own as well because he is a stupid American and now is persecuting me over the problems and trying really hard to sit on my Books with incredible insults displayed in public places because they think it makes them liberal the whole time. I want the film equities to look the way they used to, if they have no wish to transform their involvement with me into enmity as well; ultimately I will chose my own directors and from then on any who makes use of my work, property or equity without due references will be asking for trouble and the idea that big ballsy men with plans to make money easily had been spending their cash on the films and wanted a pound of flesh will not suffice, just like it never did over this complains – eventually those can show up here for their pound of flesh and bring their backyards along if they have got the balls for it. What happens is that People say a character that looks like a perpetrator has an adage and another shows up on media to give them a redress run off, then the victims are asked to solve some problems and be brave as well all together, while information is demanded of them on what the same idiots are doing with criminal activity and they claim I am the one who finds it impossible to be happy. I mean, I am talking about down to the anus and penis gimmicks not just because the anus and penis insults are usually the best method to avoid showing regard for peoples patents and Intellectual property, but also because I am unable to have my Office to myself on account they are getting involved to feel important by bullying me. Naturally I do get told that with respect to the deployment of my property and asset equity, I do have preferences for Large Companies, which is utter nonsense and some campaign of vandalism by a collection of goons that have no wish to go by the rules; the truth is that the large companies helped to develop the Equities about a decade ago and they are just here for their big break with no plans in mind to give me any, not even a breathing space from their insanity.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland