So the big story has always rather been that I love to interfere and settle other people’s problems when I know nothing about it but the real problem has always been that all over the world from Europe to South America and the Middle East, they are always seen around my Literary Empire because their Politicians want to refute the fact I am Royalty to pretend I am a poor man as per they need my possessions more than I do and they will be free of me the day that stops as well; this Empire exists to sell my Books or the Books will exist to move them out. The problem is acute to a point where especially for the Americans, the gathering of sales men means building one on my Empire so they do not have to work for their money and so there is that sense when I speak of brands and Intellectual property administration, their game is actually more important than HM Cote of Arms which is the first thing you see on every item of occasion of this website. It’s the old tale of news readers to radio DJs and even comedians alongside, all male except their stupid girls and women are involved too, turning up to show off their sports cars in the city as the perks of life that come with bullying me and it is a behaviour that is never going to sort itself out regardless of how people think that it will play out as such; so as far as I am concerned they speak of what I cannot do about them but we all know they have chosen their version of integration in order to counter anything anybody does to tell them their behaviour is wrong and with it will fuck people’s lives and possessions and never stop lying on media and parliament for the purpose.

I have heard this new story that I am psycho-active and I would never know anyway but the insults are usually dictionary proficient; I am not psychoactive, it’s a story of trendy wickedness and new evils on account the UK has an Arch Prince, of all the things people could think about spending their time doing as a matter of culture or sub culture – so it produces the worst possible form of popularity destruction and greed which is then fostered and funded by Politicians and set on my finances to play games on a daily basis; they always say the reasons are clear and that I myself know what those reasons are – the rhetorical ‘why’ question but everybody except these fools recognises that there is another side of society that will bother me for doing nothing about it until I lose everything as well and that it is the ace in these sleeves – easily explained away as terrorism and a game of how the State has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. For me personally however, the whole thing can be tiresome since it has to be done when it shows no signs of stopping and this is where the problem of psychoactive begins – where their community croons have seen me exert myself and become tired and need to keep my state of mind in that way permanently until I agree to have sex with them, which does put into context what I mean when they issue those insolent why questions when I never started the conversation about being psychoactive all together myself anyway – more over of which it is usually the best opportunity to corrupt my state provided security setting states of affairs on media that can help them run irregular heart beat TV, wreck my Book sales, chase my anus and penis to ensure people cannot punish them for the destruction and allow their community croons to continue with the sex based abuses thereafter which of course we all know starts every day as early in the day as they possibly can make it and we all know they find it amusing too.

So on the story of whether or not I gain anything by saying such things on the other hand, the case has always been as simple as the fact it is more a matter of the insults of lower class men especially coming to head, not a case of what I gain from what I say or do – the Politicians and the adultery and the community croons and the getting on government Office to do nothing but rip up my business – just some of the things they really need to refute as it were. So we hear these tales endlessly of how I do not support the Politicians when they attack Armed Forces employees but we all know that what they do is get after the good behaviour soldiers claiming somebody else that is more important owns their personal life and so on - leaving to my imagination for instance since I instigated the lack of respect for them by being a Christian in the first place, what that means or does and the American ones cannot stop talking about something I am supposed to fight for where civil rights is concerned, cannot stop talking about the threat of Communism when we all know that parameters of growth on both sides are different to such an extent that in Russia and China for instance you will need a permit to accept a Bible from a Christian who offers randomly on the streets but in the UK for instance nobody really cares how many millions of Christians you accepted a Bible from and whether or not that is actually your job even; so it does come down to the two issues being that those who are exceedingly rude annoy me alright but they are the responsibility of the Politicians and that is an end to the matter on hand while on the other the problem concerning a weakling like me becoming Royalty, the weakling that is putting them through an education on the difference between democracy and communism economies because their insults that are a function of their age know no limits.

They say its fear that rules my life and this is untrue; what is true is that there is solution for every situation with them at the moment but not for a process where they strike my bum and make my misery into something on media and provides them an exit for all their problems and there is only one solution that usually works because they are very disobedient people i.e. setting out a campaign or public face that says their finances and careers and wellbeing means nothing whatsoever to me – they always say I will get into trouble for it naturally but there is no such trouble waiting for me actually; the darker facts on this matter is media and popularity fools and celebrities refusing to read books they are interested in and rather showing up to pick up facts and statements made by an author trying to run his career, to go off and get connected and rich by – all stemming from that time they met a top level tycoon and started having imaginations since; so it’s very stupid people who think that there will never exist consequences for a process where being too lazy to read a Book you want means the writer lives on government support. We see every one of their lying scheming stupidities has the same pattern especially when it is to do with women; where they want me to explain what is happening with women all the time which is what they think my career work should be used for and means I cannot have my Office to myself while they wish to secure privileges of injustice for every occasion they are heard complaining about me as well but when I do tell them I do not have a problem with the women because my career exists in a world where I need to be organised and orderly in order to make ends meet, they find out what is going on with me and have a new lifestyle and career to steal for connections and for climbing social ladders. So it’s an old case where I was given all I needed to make my way in the world with and these are the kinds of stupidities a group of very disobedient people love to show up every day to place me on government unemployment income support in order to please themselves by – so there isn’t really  consequence waiting for me when their financial wellbeing starts to become something that really winds me up like we hear them blab about all the time, no changes to the civil and criminal disobedience either way. I do not believe it is a problem, I have been trying to avoid this situation for years; the bit where celebrities and media and popular culture show up on my livelihood to really mess it up and do their own trading on it – I am now trying to find a common ground way around the problem while they are telling me of consequences waiting for me at the other end a civil and criminal disobedience. We all know the answer for all its problems is to bully people who have something it does not and find some stupid thing going on in its life to put up when confronted at the persons finances and public image and academics, as the reason the person has been the target which also makes it the victims fault; what it means by consequences waiting for me is that I am down and out and finished and that if I got off running its stupid life for it and picking up a billboard to write which facts indicate there is an opportunity for anybody that wants to take the job that gets to its head and showed up on Westminster for it every day which the Police will not arrest me for if I did, I will not make the problem for them big enough to go round and round and round in circles bearing in mind it is a liability I have to pay for when there is a perception that I am down and out and finished. So, I need to get them off the Books, so I might find it possible to sit down with the bank manager and talk about finances, they are really getting on my nerves, so it’s not going to be amicable at all.

So they say one moment I am okay with celebrities and the next I am not but what happens is that a Celebrity will spend their lifetime protecting themselves from men and it means shutting down access to public image while developing a livelihood that works at a limit but tends to grow as well when required – so it gets involved with me because it is useful to and suddenly the whole process where the Men want her to give it up and more so by having sex with her ensues and I am to be burned in the process as well: the little bits of such nonsense of course is that other case where they claim they are right to act the way they do because I have no respect for them i.e. whenever some money mad stupid women that propel them to their insanity speaks of being a famous fool with money that has been made from a sales army leaving behind a history for women to screw around with, she wants to enforce her will over every other man that wants to build something he can be proud of, hence what they mean when they tell me about consequences i.e. her will comes together with their money and I wish I was never born. I mean a case where a Celebrity may have had a history of appearing on culture type films for instance being something that local and society goons are making a mess of her with distant sexual abuses to force her to give up to them who need money on account there is a new history around for, having something to do with my actions being followed with consequences when I get them out of my concerns is what they mean when they blow off their big mouth in such ways but in the end this is a situation that should only have involved celebrities associated with me in some way and not every git that wants to serve themselves like it is at the moment, thus they had made their plans and there will be consequences to follow my plans if I made one as well; which goes right up to that case of certain aspects of public life that involves the jobs of security operatives, meaning if you mess with it somebody might be distracted in a job where he has to fire a weapon and be fired at as well, so that when you handle their case as well, unlike the one that works with the communists where the goons get enlisted in the security services to do things for me that I was too cowardly to do for myself, getting hurt by criminals, the one that will work with these American led fools will be the usual case where while it is being shot at, it does not have weapons of its own and then the result will be more civil right movements and more revolution and less threats coming my way a group of idiots who see a Book they want but because they do not have the time to read it, have to screw it up for everybody else like we see them give their own to the frugal. The celebrity thing was never a complicated matter; I mean that no sane person would get off and make a three and a half music video about their personal problems in a way that resonates with the common crowd on my public image and sell it on my personal finances to the public in a way that enforces her superiority, teaches me a few things about being ruthless at business and performs a service for me at the same time, to ensure she can continue to return and do it whenever she wanted. We see the same with Industry people as well where they get to claim I am doing the same to others i.e. I got into a bother and resolved an issue and somebody saw it and felt a certain way about it and decided to make a patented pigment to paint a top end Automobile product at the Company with and so I recorded it and kept and inventory that allowed me broker the equity – since then another had showed up to unleash a group of very stupid women on my livelihood to do their own stuff and then told me the way it was meant to have ended was an outcome whereby I was completely screwed and this is what they mean when they say consequences will follow any plans I make: not a new story of course since there is another side of all this where I returned to University and finished my academic work and found myself a job that will give me enough disposable income to run a writing career in what they may have viewed as an effective way worthy of respect but the one we have here is the one where that Law and Economics student that was supposed to have graduated in 2009 did not on their account – so these things have happened on account they love popularity culture too much and need to see some sides of it that can be associated with forcing it on people as well; so I do not think there are any credible consequences that will follow any of my plans anyway; it was plans all these years already and no consequences followed it. They speak of my activities amounting to high level Political instability which was the warning that was set out randomly to all who gave me a Royal commission and all who supported it but it’s the same case where it lost its whole life and career because somebody else asked it a question about women – now I am answering a question it is asking me about women every day for years, just so it might feel a weight is being lifted off its shoulder; it is an unprecedented degree of disrespect for others obviously to want to screw with their personal finances so badly, just so that you might be in a position to ask them questions about women that will cause them turmoil – so now they know what happens with female career is that it hurts the bottom and if they are not satisfied I can make them even more accommodating than that.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland