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This is our recommended reading list for the 20 year Intellectual property administration services and solutions.
- Platform - Society Mental illnesses and Celebrity Vandalism (concerning which I have jeopardised assets on a quasi deliberate basis, as per misplacing it in public places, allowing them access as to contrive a sense that they needed to embark on a campaign to ensure I had lost something important if I had failed to give up what they had found willingly).
- Bulk services sections - Governmental perversions, Celebrity and Social nepotism (Politicians perverting my wealth Politics an engagement with Economic and business cycles to enrich their families by suggesting those who had worked and possessed more money, were entitled to practice narcissism on my property, Celebrities bashing my Bookshop which is followed up with lies and Media narcissism to breach my patents and cling to my income margins, Society ensuring they clung to my income margins whilst bothering me with social issues that would ensure I had too much on my plate).
- Civility - I am a Half Priest large areas of my work bear towards the interests of the Church of England (effect reaching far enough to affect corruptions of culture and civilisations).

Firm British Chambers of Commerce Property Assets & Book sales Assets written out in Functional Aesthetics
The general behaviour of finances and investments are going to be determined by the actions of the media is the mystery continues to be upheld that such things as advertisement which suggest that people buy products if they are shown to have expressed enough done on my part to provide people with privileges through them when all I have done is broker securities that companies comply with to provide them what they need is actually what an advertisement should be especially when the excuse for it is that of what modernisation for our times and a process of not doing yourself worse off has become. Noting also that the way the media idiots that do it has more to do with the condition where companies open float their affairs to attract shareholders who buy shares and provide funding for a profit, which somehow makes for board meetings that becomes their opportunity to vouch for advertisement contracts which are paid for with enough millions that ensure when Companies do not comply with what they want and stay away from those they demand should be isolated and abused for riches, then they can deploy the money and take over the firms and companies anyway and do the advertisement the way they want to do it. It does nothing but set the stage for a reckoning after I have had so much of my time spent on showing me how to leave on meagre resources while fulfilling a government office, in which condition I have nothing to loose if I feel like handling their cities and offices in within the same prognosis of behaviour as well. This is not to say that I do not know that the Literary Empire and its global Intellectual space and the Equities brokered in it is perfectly safe and that people can see that through the products no matter how the advertisement is arranged, it is to say that these facts must be made obvious and that no body would tolerate such advertisement as that which determines whom people get involved or associated with as well as determines I have by royal property done enough t provide people with enough privileges through the products if they buy them. Hence the state of affairs of the general question around the world of what it is the media can do if I do whatever I like with them.
Its like when they say I am obsessed with work while I have not yet attained a condition of just getting about the business of selling Books due to their involvement and interference and then the coward name calling, richly of course from goons whose self confidence depends on Money - it sits in the same par as the part where I never push anything into a Lawsuit because it will make me look like stupid Men craving the Limelight if I can fight the World's Media and create my own Public crisis in that way as well, then watch them have whatever they want in that way.
It is all ideology and there is no need for me to tolerate Economic abuse which it is quite possible the Politicians had fallen in love with, a Democracy - Communism gimmick, from other peoples, cultures and countries which sets off profits for them on Media by spending my Marketing time and resources in this Trust.
Business security is located around the matter of the complete and utter demise of fame freaks arrangements and their tourism economy from which the vandalisms are possible.
I always on it get reports on the media of one thing after another chewing away at my earnings at my market place at the hands of some audacious fool, which most of the time ends up with the creation of a lot of destruction and meaningless nonsense which is then used to explain what my business stand for and to replace my books with others, mostly written by stupid girls at the market place, hence stifle my income by earning it to create me more problems and book sales, hence my job which is course is naturally purely satanic as well, although I do not mention so often. I do not view it as something I should react to. The reason for this, is that if I want to behave badly I will get drunk and then ay myself in the middle of a busy road to be arrested by the Police over a public order offence but when women behave badly this is what they do, pillage the lives of important and famous men, hence mind blowing when the fools get to tell me that I am not famous at the same time as well and therefore not something that should be considered in the context of a mans world, except that the damages being used by fools that have sex with them to do to my life and livelihood means that the worlds biggest idiots live in the US and have no fear for anything in their stupid lives, while the ones in the UK will soon have to get to answer the question of whether I will have to gather funds to do something about it or not. It is in no means a matter I will leave to fester until I am too old to do something about it, considering that a less well known fact about it is that they do it on account they think that bullying others is pleasurable and funny and love to think of it as something planned desired and therefore when they see people they think to be targets entitled. It is so important to them that they will never attend school unless they have such victims or hate victims. So on the matter of obligations they have to attend school and get a degree with which to get a job and not pillage my personal life and now my business to earn my income being rich and famous, we have such things as claims with posters and videos and whatever have you, of somebody standing in the way of their progress, which gets to also mean that their parents have therefore reacted by laying down the gauntlet, hence taking over the right where they usually go to ensure they progress with nothing unless they steal it and so their future now lies on the left where the persons entire life is, mostly referring to me and it is funny at my guts with a big mouth. The endless creation of situations that a dangerous for me and also funny and filthy in my guts and all over me like the prognosis of gangs and street murders, is that they find it funny but I am not going to form gangs in which I can trap their filthy beauties and murder them as well because bearing in mind they know I will want to get to a place where I ensure everything single thing I do puts them in a dangerous situation, hence are out again which is going to waste even more of my time, seeking out conditions where they ensure I either cannot or that when I do so that bullying those that were born for it is not funny, so they might have secrete societies with powers others cannot see and stupid girls that have their own secrete societies and powers and therefore feel they can take other peoples income if they want to please whenever they feel like it, hence touching me or my property will not take a turn for the better yet, it might make no sense, I have a better alternative.
A view which is also little known to
them is that if I wish to deploy theirs to prepare mine for the purpose of hurting them, I am not of the opinion it is how their parents raised them
and therefore the conjecture that even if it is, I do not have to put
up with it whatsoever.
What I have therefore done to them so
far is completely wreck that stupid culture and now I have taken over
the left and will use it in trust to fix any further damage done to my
stuff and will therefore deploy the position to make it impossible for
them to impress their stupid friends in this country or anywhere near
it. So the meaning of the old question of whether they want to stop or I
do need to.
The question of the relations between media and Politicians being too close of which I must have some part to play in, with regards to which I must explain myself, is not that which I have considered to be novel. It is a long standing issue that we are not living in a world where we really get to see the media for what it really is, we seem to love the shrouds on our faces with respect to that. I for my part know that the media is a place where there exists things and individuals that you would never have imagined there existed at all. I mean, when somebody gets off to tell you that something he has seen you buy with your own money belongs to him, you may think he is joking normally but with respect to media, he is not when he can stand on public Television to do whatever he or she likes. This is really what to expect from the media and the big problem has always been a group of Politicians that are fond of making sure that it is what people do when they hurt me, that they get to put down as history that will determine the future nature of their conduct; if this were not to be happening, then there would be no problems, as long as they are, it is not clear why people should not expect problems. It is not to say that they are a huge or a problem for me, they are not. I and the way I relate with media is that there are people I know or relate to there and then there are other still that I have always been warned an Arch Prince is not to get involved with, so have I always been aware they are poisonous. I mean for example, everything I write here and do where is my job, the difference between such a fact of reality and what is happening on the grounds in the streets is that I am being covered by evil temperaments in case anybody wants to work their distant fascism on me when they wish and with respect to my business itself, it is a process of being trapped somewhere into dealing with problems feverishly and so therefore the main problem that has emerged is how I will convince people to buy my books out of the goodness of their heart when the very deed of touching any of my property inspires them to I.P. administration successes anyway, hence therefore concluded this is not a real business. In reality however I am a Christian and the truth is that I do not wish to be aware or be made aware of any of their problems, therefore anything I have been made aware or forced to be aware of in the past is all in the past now and it could never have been successfully contrived that Intellectual Property Administration is the real me but it is however evidence of how far these fools have gone to strip me of myself so far.
So the important fact remains therefore that bearing in mind insults which have to do with how I wish to speak of economy without doing Politics because I think I am Royalty and one thing or another, is never likely to diminish, it would never be a business, unless I was taking steps to ensure that the only way it operates was by making it impossible for them to do anything to hurt any Politicians in order to bend politicians to their will.
On the matter of race issues, I should mention, it is important to get a life; what you do with Politicians and what you do with businesses should be kept completely separate at all times or you will end up when you do not go for it, in a place which is the dark side, where Politicians gobble on one side and Criminals gobble on the other. Except of course, unless you are completely certain you want nothing to do with the world of Politics and or the world of business. They do it all the time; their wives think they are head witches and they think they are as tough as bricks and there are the stupid insolent media to make up a process where they are more important than people with as well. The economic crisis will explain everything of course but everybody knows they are deeply incompetent idiots all across the west - the Politicians, the media, every one of them and as it stands the air they breathe is not my books while I tell them they cannot use it yet, so the copyrights and markets will be in tatters every single day with that big mouth. Of course they tell me I am an extremist and that it is the life that extremists live; I suppose the Christian bashing has come to that in the end anyway, I think what I said earlier does it for my part i.e. while the air they breathe is not yet my books while I tell them they can never use it, they will not clear off and move on in hell apparently they will think they are better bullies with enough explanations to last a life time too if they want, totally self confident too by the way. Otherwise I would say if that was not enough, they need to stop being so irresponsible and I have not begun enforcing an alternative yet apparently (Typical example; a stupid girl wants to be famous and so she gets help from an even more stupid man with money to spend and since then on cannot get off my earnings because she wants to be rich and famous and therefore believes she should be running information errands between me and some violent part of society, to bring to life all the times I have the right to attend to a day job without having to deal with and then seek freer society at the other end; this is what I mean they need to stop being irresponsible and that I have not yet begun to enforce my own regime so they might want to stay as far away from the book sales as it has got nothing to do with them ). It is generally said what I say gives away much about me and therefore affects my work and earnings adversely but I cannot see that because of the way I handle my affairs i.e. when people realise my books would be of great help to their government especially diplomatic work but then decide what they want instead is access to my privacy and the marking out of things in it that I myself will acknowledge belongs to them, then I am supposed to play up my own part as well bearing in mind he or she could have spent more time on the job instead of spending more of their time and my time doing that and so as far as I am concerned it is always a huge big bet on whom the time wasting will bother them most.
THE B.O.E. FINANCE AND GROWTH STIMULUS - Year Date of action and Property Equity security record: 2012
There are three groups of people that stand out on this matter. They are the Popular culture music industry, the Politicians and the get rich quick freaks. For the Popular music industry, they tell me I love to assume being what I am not and then love to provoke them attacking their livelihood, which anybody would be stunned they have got the effrontery to say with a big mouth. The fact remaining that they think my Royal Estate Equities are their plaything and so therefore need to build up the global fame I can use whenever I please as well, so that it might be possible for them to deploy their luxury stupidities for once to the idea of how difficult the work really is and more so what it is like to have people interfere and use for the purpose of cutting them off from their finances. The other is the Politicians who consider the economic issues as a route to wealth grabbing. It is the old story of how they want me to go out there and fight for something to build an empire so that they can get rich but there is always the big question of how it really works of course i.e. I have spent so much time trying to educate them about the truth that it is a matter of the fact every single business and enterprise in this country has the propensity to travel around the world on the security that the UK Government has provided them, and this is one of the most important determinants of growth and recovery. What the Politicians are doing, is going around sharing the security, those they share it with do not know what it is, all they know is that it feels good. To which their political idiots always get to tell me I speak in such ways but oppose US plans for globalisation. I have no idea for my part what the so called US plans for globalisation was supposed to have been. All I know is that the US is full of idiots, especially black ones, who think that the function of anything they are supposed or meant to do is to be based on what I have done and how they have dominated it and I cannot stand such nonsense in anyway whatsoever - so it has simply developed an outcome which suggests they love to have their backs to the wall, so they can try their hands on being dangerous. The get rich freaks finally tell me that they have no idea how I propose to spear head economic recovery when I will not let people get rich, for me this means they they do not yet realise that running banks when 40% of peoples saved up money disappears is theft, they think it is enough to say that it is a matter of economic conditions and crisis. The question remains of where the money must have vanished to and how? For them on the other hand, it is not clear how they propose to get rich and with what now that the money is not there except their own money. I have made it clear to some people they will need to check their attitude and then maybe when they do, people will buy their stuff and they will be rich, I personally could not care less.
I know people generally feel they have located things I have done which their leaders feel as though they want to be the ones that do but I for my part have been prepared for the work I do now and have been for sometime; prepared enough to fill in the blacks on the economic crisis and try to see to that people buy my books even if they do not like it, to pay me for the job, so I would like to see what they have been prepared for as well before they mess up my stuff again and wind me up while I start all over again as it were. I have always maintained these are really stupid people but it is the irresponsibility that exists in a completely separate league all together. The idea I need favours from their Politicians beats me all the time; I mean they know Christians do not do secrete societies and cults and evil cultures anyway so I could never get my head around it. I don’t know how to say it – maybe I should say something like, what do you do after your job which is probably the only moral thing you do in their entire life i.e. work for money instead of steal it, binge drink, sleep with women, seek people to impose who sadomasochism on? I don’t do these things; my church does not allow me to take Coffee even and I do not have any mistresses to sleep me and besides I am not so messed up that people can play around with me for sport in an evil city where they have somebody to lay their problems on for fun and so when they make out I need to get ona stage and dance and sing their problems away to get paid a celebrity money they need to look at it from my point of view where I hate everything they like and they have civil service to mess people up with about which they have never won a fight around here even when they get hundreds of thousands from the treasury and wreck my book sales so I might live on benefits and would absolutely not like the idea of being in a place where I choose which one stays and which one goes because the process of female journalists taking over the powers of the civil service while I do such things on the ground at the fundamental level will never be a pretty sight either. I am not so messed up people play with me to take the pressure off society either, the truth is that matter of media and fame freaks have a problem and you know it is the problem you were meant to have which you now have to solve for everybody in a condition where they are superior to you and that is always before they complain all I do is aimed at making sure things are not done in a political way. So I am not giving back that stupid left so I can do problems away for media and fame freaks to find out what they will do, they on the other hand threaten violence on one hand and then on the other tell me what I claim is not supported by what happens during their parties because they suppose you are referring to something else when you mention fame freaks. In any case its all very well to complain of discrimination but they know and they know I know that each action taken with those stupid cultural wickedness in my direction are designed to harm me, so that if I make mention of it they make their devils noise about doing my stuff for me and whether I was not going to be scared of their power. Having academic work and finances damaged so people can have the satisfaction of getting into my personal life to do these things with claims going on as well that they are tapping emotional and psychological management, peace of mind and beautiful introvertism that was stolen from them by me and sometimes even make out that they know I didn’t steal any such thing but that I had simply provoked them by proposing to keep my beauty to myself instead of share it so people can use it for their stuff as well, so it should never be a far fetched reason for seeking to handle the health and well being of Politicians in the same way as well; I mean what would anybody do in my shoes?
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