Of course the claim is that I make a lot of assumptions about companies and their Politicians do have idiots whose reasons for damaging my work has to do with claims it was their own on account we share a skin colour and they have democracy and freedom to play with and do not need to be afraid of what they can beat up with a big mouth but we all know what really happens is that no matter how rich people are they still think they can like their poorer ones tell lies about cultures I have stolen to cash into my royal equities, cash into my work and stifle it on claims I have lived under the shadow of their large companies and all I do and own is a spoof from it, none of which will help them keep the property for themselves permanently anyway.
Naturally of which is mostly about my lack of respect for the rights of other Countries to protect Intellectual Property as well and that is long after they play host to every insolent idiot who has established connections between hurting me and abusing and insulting me and making lots of money thereof and hence an addiction to deploying The British Arch Prince's Equities and Intellectual property to get rich in a different country on account they have no wish to abide by his rules in his own world; which only gets better when they think they have state funds of tax payers which therefore is limitless due to their position in government offices to deploy to aid themselves at destroying my finances in order to open up my career to usurping and it is when done with these two of which they cannot be seen in hell allowing these idiots to use their own property in the same way so they can play host, that we hear the complains - which i must confess I do not like very much but my advice stays the same i.e. they need to stay out of my Literary Empire and Global Creative Equity property Intellectual space in it otherwise they can stop pretending what I do to them is linked to the British Government all together as well; its all about roles that Politicians and Popular culture fools and the Industry idiots and the media play and I am only deciding what happens to my person and my property when it comes to the extent that their greed based insolent and spiritual wickedness is prepared to go (touching my penis or acquiring my sperm or touching my anus and its a game and the end result is abuse unto racism fostered from government office that is their personal and private property, then they tell me I cannot tell people to pack up their culture since I am their equal as it were and complain I have no respect for their right to protect Intellectual property in their stupid countries; if it does not stop I will get to the bottom of it and give them their just reward as well of course). They do say most of what I speak of are done by black people who want to see me clash with white people who will kill me but of course it leads back to the same matter of a Royal Prince with a Privacy in which he serves people and the Government and lower class idiots with a privacy in which people are finished off; these are things I do not wish to do anything about and certainly do not want to be seen doing so because it is embarrassing - the problem is of course that they actually go out there and handle my products at the end of which they had done damage that they then celebrate as well for good measure.
It is never actually true that I think the issue with the EU is a storm in a teacup; what happens is that we face a problem that is concerned with the fact for the Germans and the French especially you cannot be more successful than they are in economic terms and if you try they will nip your buds for you but that we are talking about a referendum is in itself another problem all together. Yes I am aware they say I conduct half measures all over the place and live in over-enslavement so people can take advantage of me but of course there is no shred of truth in that when facts like a process where British Politicians make claims of ownership of me and or my possessions go off to mess up the business of the French and Germans and Dutch for them for example over their excitement concerning their good fortune, then suddenly begin to assume they will not face the Music and the same of which applies to the French and the Germans when they begin to do it for the fun of it all together – so in my view it is the same old story of Political idiots thinking it is all a game until it is time to play and they do not wish to play anymore. I mean I don’t think it a crisis; take BMW for example – the business is more like a small village with a lifestyle of its own, care for the environment, the latest technology, the latest efficiency drives and cleanliness to avoid paintwork damage even down to the latest mobility equipment that are designed to exist and work with minimum dirt etc – so if people who own the place and work there broker property equity with me there is no doubt whatsoever wherever I may be on this world, that I would know about it. Same old story; political idiots thinking it is all a game until it is time to play as well; destroying one thing after another after another after another and turning up on peoples possessions to appoint unto themselves access and privilege for the next thing that will make them feel comfortable as though somebody else happened to have fucked that stupid lives for their for them all together – I do wish they understand what I mean anyway. So do I think that I go too far about my actions on this matter? That depends because if we are talking about people wrecking my finances in order to change my quality of life and them simulate it to become me and exchange places in the world with me which is provocative to no known measure, the big question right now is whether the Company Books are being sold yet or they are still having so much fun - I mean it is the first matter that comes into the weighing scale during a recession, that Politicians who work by the will of the majority normally think the idea a possession they see belongs to somebody does not exist and if one person can have some of it everybody can have some whenever they wish as well. Now the main concern people have for most of the time is a matter of how much trouble I am in with Americans which makes no sense whatsoever - I mean if the US wants to rule the world with little tourism economies that spend their time like ferret idiots doing other peoples good international reputation for them, then that is perfectly fine - I mean it is usually a case of US leadership one moment and US bombs the next anyway, however the case arises along the lines of British Politicians that will tie me down to please the Americans and so that is what they have heard in the air waves and thus turned up egos pumped up to find out if it is really the case. The Politicians do claim it must be recognised, that the Books written and offered on sale at this Company by the Author has become so valuable with respect to matters of power that it must never be sold and should never have been published because of what they need from and want to do with it and how that matters to the world and to National service - not that it is a particularly difficult matter to settle since we all know that their perversions are not exactly something that Armed Forces who have a complex job of security to carry through in their careers are fans of anyway but where it applies to Industry and Company Associates and Customers being that it could only have stem from a sustained and continued violation of One's personal life which has now brought them to a stage where the products of the Company feel a certain way to them and that feeling must be maintained as the means by which they can get involved with it - the complains they put forward in public all the time thereof as well of which is entirely deserved especially in light of those insolent and abusive cultures as well. there is the question raised from it as to whether I actually had a career plan which obviously I suppose that all my work showed that I did not, if my career was an open plan for all to share and a game play, I simply want them to think about the way they could get around with pseudo security services, pseudo pharmaceuticals, pseudo financial services and pseudo celebrity, in a way that does not make this place so noisy that clients were unable to concentrate on reading the Books and saying something from doing so, about the equity they brokered here. They do love to boast about having inflicted punishment on me as though they were answering questions at an interview of which I do rather suppose that it was the media organising the interviews and not the other way around – only likely to take it from a point where they have been shown to have failed completely on the issue of mitigating society abuses where the need to build others an unusual history with the tax man was concerned, the same point at which they were in league with German influence gits because they could not mitigate stupid women who thought well organised personal and social lives were female lifestyle that was stolen from them and should have been an opportunity to keep some beauty as a comparison to the male population nor have they been able to handle the quasi criminal pseudo idiots who think that because they were taller or their boyfriends were, they were entitled to pick up other peoples assets, wreck the lives of such person as well if they wanted and get off making money at high rise buildings, what we know they are good at is abusive gimmicks that were not in keeping with the way the company that employed them for the jobs that got to their heads, was incorporated in the law, not in keeping with what their immediate managers paid them to do, such that the risk I faced was a situation in which those companies and managers were unable to get through and detach them from an abusive activity that was being performed in an environment where they were being paid to do something else, building up to a consequence where others could testate that they had paid for the abusive activities, so I guess it is the story of my life, that when their famous stupidities did get a response from me, it was very likely they will not see me coming and it will build up to an outcome where one of the two persons in the matter that must have at some stage developed into a feud between my family and their own considering the idea I am living under their bootheel, could not see it through and frustration built up to an outright criminal activity. They do point out the people that were fighting national enemies on my behalf naturally, we know there are two main reasons for it, save that which is personalised to the particular person that held the government office i.e. failure of a government operative to comply with what people he or she may have attended school or grew up with, wanted from government office and or immoral society mandate idiots having revenge for historical good deeds, mine is certainly the latter, hence this result where it seemed I had failed to enforce public policy properly whereas it was a matter of celebrity abuses and insults making the most of immoral society mandate idiots who worked their insults as per their interest in me was due to affection whilst they continued to abuse my personal and social life – should I go on to excuse myself and tell them that their disobedience on this matter fed into governmental overseas policy and made a proper mess for travelling couples and distant lovers, I would be ignored completely, so I suppose it remains the case that enough had not yet died, although personally there is set to be a real response for it on my part at some stage and we are not talking the claim that the society gits were getting the better of me after 20 years of abusive activities that started off with gimmicks where each time I moved into neighbourhoods, the women opened and shut their blinds until they built a community to run me down and the stupid men never stopped repeatedly parking their cars by my bedroom window before the end of the night everyday, leading up to the outcome that they were so well settled in those abusive activities that I was not permitted to smell nice, we know the stupidities on public media presence suggest these people get the better of me whilst that was never the information they were supplied. They do claim my Books were out of fashion but they are not, I now have to rescue the career from the sex industry, the Celebrities and an abusive society - the reason was that the interested public exercised some market based consumer rights with respect to the fact I was selling something and somebody turned my Book into a problem for them, if they do still acquire the Books, they were unable to mitigate this problem, so I had become the only person with the knowledge to get the work done on it (what famous goons really need to do, is pillage my public image to make money and spend it fighting me).